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  1. Stoneded

    Anyone grow cannabis upside down

    My neck hurts now.. :fire:
  2. Stoneded

    Why why why

    /miss overgrow.. :(
  3. Stoneded


    I definitely see male and female preflowers on there.
  4. Stoneded

    Problem germing old seeds..

    so I recently got my MMJ recommendation and was overjoyed to get to grow again... Unfortunately, all my seeds I acquired 5+ years ago back when overgrow was at it's peak... I'm having one helluva time getting these fuckers to pop. So far I've gone through 14 seeds with 0 sprouts.. And the other...
  5. Stoneded

    Quick Dry +Rep

    I usually toss a small piece on top of my PC case, right above my power supply. crisps up fresh buds in a few hours. Doesn't taste too good, but it smokes fine.
  6. Stoneded

    new seed quistions?

    Since your growing indoors, you're in complete control of the plants life cycle. It will veg until you change the light schedule to 12 hours on 12 off. You can do this at any time in the plants life, seems like 12/12 from seed grows are becoming more popular these days. Just remember, when you...