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  1. kidmuffin

    Yellow deformed new leaf growth (PICS)

    Alright. I gave them a half of the recommended dose of Big Bloom: .01-.3-.7. I'll wait and see if they get better, if not, i'll get some cal-mag plus Right now i only have 330 watts of light over the 2 plants. It's 9 bulbs total but they could really use more light. I plan on getting a few...
  2. kidmuffin

    Yellow deformed new leaf growth (PICS)

    Check the pH of the runoff? When should I begin fertilizing?
  3. kidmuffin

    Yellow deformed new leaf growth (PICS)

    This is week 5 of growing and less than 1 week of flowering. This yellow growing is seen on both of my plants. The soil is Fox Farm ocean forrest, which we just transplanted them into about 10 days ago. I haven't fertilized them yet, but i plan on using Fox Farm Big Bloom. The water pH is 6.5...
  4. kidmuffin

    cant tell if they are male or female yet... need help

    is it male or female?
  5. kidmuffin

    Trying to determine sex. is this male?

    Ok thanks for the quick replies. I have 3 plants in my closet and they're getting enormous so i need to kill 1 pretty soon so i can dedicate the lights on the females. I'm in a bad predicament if i get 3 out of 3 females lol
  6. kidmuffin

    Trying to determine sex. is this male?

    ok i circled the picture
  7. kidmuffin

    Trying to determine sex. is this male?

    It's day 2 into flowering. I'm pretty sure this is a male.. or will the 2 pistils grow out of this growth?
  8. kidmuffin

    Are feminized seeds worth it?

    Wow that was an very ignorant post. are you in jr. high school? seriously grow up. Also it was comparing 5 seeds to 10 seeds, not just $6.
  9. kidmuffin

    Possible rootbound.. Should I transplant? Week 3 into growing. (PICS)

    Great, i'll start doing that now. We decided we are going to transplant them today into the circle pots. We didn't have enough soil when we transplanted them into the square pots so currently they are below the pot level so many of the leaves are jammed up against the walls. So we have a lot of...
  10. kidmuffin

    The Shot Glass Grow Off '09!

    you should lower the lights. they looked really stretched
  11. kidmuffin

    Possible rootbound.. Should I transplant? Week 3 into growing. (PICS)

    Thanks for the advice. I plan on keeping these plants in my closet so I don't want them to grow too enormous. However, I do want to maximize my yield and I don't want to skimp out on their maximum potential. So would u guys suggest keeping them in these 2 gallon pots or should I step it up to...
  12. kidmuffin

    Possible rootbound.. Should I transplant? Week 3 into growing. (PICS)

    oh they would be much taller but i pinned/ tied them down at the third nod but we are going to have to do it again. its a safe way of grow so that they dont just grow too tall.
  13. kidmuffin

    how much yeild of 200w cfl

    For my first grow, under 6 42W regular and 4 26W daylights for 3 plants, i yielded 1oz per plant.
  14. kidmuffin

    Possible rootbound.. Should I transplant? Week 3 into growing. (PICS)

    Right now, my 3 plants are sitting in 2 gallon pots that are 10"x10" squares. This is my 2nd grow, so these are the same pots I used for my first grow. The roots are already coming out of the bottom so i'm assuming they are going to be rootbound very soon. I planned on transplanting them into...
  15. kidmuffin

    When should I first fertilize my plants?

    Thanks racerboy! i'm really scared of using nutrients early on since I really messed up my first grow from overfertilizing. They became stunted for over 2 weeks. For this grow, all the leaves look healthy and green, so I guess they don't need to be fed just yet :mrgreen:
  16. kidmuffin

    When should I first fertilize my plants?

    This is my 2nd grow and I have 3 plants on day 16. My plants are in a Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil with added perlite. This is NOT new soil. I am reusing my soil that I used for my last grow, so all of the nutrients are flushed out of the soil. For vegging, i'm using a fertilizer that is...
  17. kidmuffin

    24hours of dark before harvest?

    I'm thinking of harvesting tomorrow and i've heard that i should strip all light away for 24 hours before the harvest. the plant would think it's dying and transfer all of it resources to the buds should i do it or will it mess up my plant? thanks
  18. kidmuffin

    Do my plants look ready for harvest? HD PICS

    thanks for the link
  19. kidmuffin

    1st CFL grow. Plants almost done, when should I harvest? (Tons of PICS!)

    alright thanks. also, these plants are only 35 days into flowering. we are using 6 42watt cfls and 4 26 watt cfls.
  20. kidmuffin

    1st CFL grow. Plants almost done, when should I harvest? (Tons of PICS!)

    Its been about 6 weeks into flowering and its getting close to harvesting time. I would say that about 40% of the hairs on the main bud have turned orange and some of the leaves are staring to die. I flushed her yesterday and i was thinking about harvesting this weekend. I need some opinions on...