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  1. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    "There never was a good war, or a bad peace." -- Benjamin Franklin
  2. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    I'm not scared, I don't judge people based on there origin/religion/tradition. The TeaBagger's are the most scared brainwashed political party in the world. WAR WAR WAR is all that's been taught and learned. Well that and anything fox news is broadcasting. I learn from statistics and analyzing...
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    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    No one said GUT the military. If the US can't run an efficient Defense with a quarter Trillion dollar budget they need to hire some Business grads. I argue EVEN THIS IS TOO MUCH This is just going to make the future worst and more dangerous by revengeful sons and grandsons in higher population...
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    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Fools are uneducated and are easily brain washed by someone who looks and sounds like them!
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    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Numbers don't lie. The variables that need more attention are 1. World Population 2. US population 3. Cost of Defense/person 4. Cost of SS/per person 5. Cost of X/person ect ect ect. No-one will be able to solve the problems over night. The easiest way to save ourselves over the next...
  6. M

    Where Is The PROOF That The Conservative Agenda Works?

    To compare historical figures to present day is absurd. The variables that need to be controls are 1. World Population 2. US population 3. Cost of Defense/person 4. Cost of SS/per person 5. Cost of X/person ect ect ect. No-one will be able to solve the problems over night. The easiest way to...
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    Every1!!!! We must all get together and fight for our rights!!!!! It this wednesday !

    If they restrict the dispensing of our meds to CC only then they must allow any person that has a solid business plan a CC! The fee to operate must be lowered to $100 per patient. I would love to open a small CC. I have a BofScience in Business Admin and there's no jobs. I would love to...
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    Every1!!!! We must all get together and fight for our rights!!!!! It this wednesday ! I was reading the homepage of and this was on the main page GROWING RIGHTS ARE AT RISK. THERE HAS BEEN A POSITIVE RESPONSE FROM STATE REPS & SENATORS WHO HAVE BEEN CONTACTED BY patients, caregivers, and...
  9. M

    From RI, I need help understanding Bill 5401 This is just the first couple of pages but the changes they are proposing are in red and the text underlined in red is what they want to remove. 21-28.6-4. Protections for the medical use of marijuana. -- (a) A qualifying patient...
  10. M

    Every1!!!! We must all get together and fight for our rights!!!!! It this wednesday !

    21-28.6-4. Protections for the medical use of marijuana. -- (a) A qualifying patient who has in his or her possession a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to, civil...