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  1. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Yes, it makes some sense. If you are under 17, the law doesn't apply as harshly to you. 18-20, well, you are still legally an adult but you can't smoke mj so you will receive a fine/prison. If you are over 21 you are allowed to smoke but can't give it to anyone under 21.
  2. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    I'm confused as to the status of Tom Ammiano's bill, is it already attached to 19? Does it require a separate vote? Edit: Ok it will need another vote but chances of it passing seem rather high.
  3. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    This is actually what it is right now Ctrl+F minors for relevant info.
  4. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Yeah, I would agree, that anyone under 21 would be a minor in this case. It's not even legal for them to possess it though. The law is trying to limit legal consumption to those 21 and over. Which it does. Whether or not you think the implementation is correct or not, that's more subjective...
  5. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    I am not so sure. It explicitly states criminal penalties for persons 18 or over who give marijuana to minors. I am fairly sure that this means if you are 18 and give marijuna to someone who is 18 or over=standard legal penalty, no new laws here, but if you are 18 and give marijuana to anyone...
  6. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    He's saying the hashish is removed as it isn't listed anymore. Edit: "Marijuana" and "cannabis" are interchangeable terms that mean all parts of the plant Genus Cannabis, whether growing or not; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; concentrated cannabis; edible products...
  7. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Can you please explain what you mean by legalization, then? mm. you will still receive the benefits of prop 215. If its legal under 215, its legal under prop 19.
  8. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    ok, heres the link to the text of prop 19: and here's a relevant quote for you. T o remove all existing civil and criminal penalties for persons 21 years of age or older who personally cultivate...
  9. G

    Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.

    Prop 19 will override decriminalization. It will amend the law, in that exact area. SB 1449 (decriminalization) An act to amend Section 11357 of the Health and Safety Code, and to amend Section...
  10. G

    A Thread Discussing Prop 19: PLEASE don't campaign, just the facts and fears!

    This is a human question, it's up to humans to decide how they act. It remains to be seen if drug violence will go down, go up, or remain the same. It is un-passed, so it remains in question what the effect will be on so many factors. We do know however that it will legalize the sale...
  11. G

    Vote yes prop 19

    Is there any thing in the law about genetic modification of cannabis/ just a law about gm organisms already in place? edit: doesn't matter, who's to say it hasn't been done already.
  12. G

    End the drug war

    I'm thinking of removing any initial "emotional" arguments in the OP, sticking to facts, hoping they will speak for themselves. If you or anyone else has any suggestions/edits, please tell me so I can change it. I'm thinking of pointing out hypocrisy in: human rights and their relation to the...
  13. G

    End the drug war

    I think this is covered but I'd like to add my 2 cents. I don't think "white" is a race. It's a social class, with privileges. Nobody is really "white", except maybe albinos. Many people think of Europeans as "white"....I'm not so sure. What about southern Europeans? Greeks? Even for a...
  14. G

    End the drug war

    We only desegregated 50 years ago. What a struggle it was, too.(?) Well, most blacks are still poor or in jail.
  15. G

    End the drug war

    Man isn't the only animal that fights wars- we just are the "best" at it. So what?
  16. G

    End the drug war

    Ok. but, I've been thinking about it more, and I've come to the following conclusion; the war on drugs has absolutely nothing to do with drugs. Much like the war on terror has little/nothing do with terrorism. Sure, legalizing any/all drugs may undercut the reasons given for the war on drugs...
  17. G

    End the drug war

    Ah whatever, lets lock this thread/shut it down since its going into stupid jingoistic drivel. I am guilty too... It will pass/fail regardless of this. Edit: perhaps i am not expressing myself clearly, either.
  18. G

    End the drug war

    oh, sorry, sarcasm. not trying to be snooty. I'm not trying to insult anyone either. just point it out. I guess i have trouble getting to grips with "the other side" (if there really is such a thing), if you know what I mean.
  19. G

    End the drug war

    I don't chew big red.
  20. G

    End the drug war

    I know there's a lot of nay sayers here so I'll chose my words carefully. But I think the facts speak for themselves. It's pretty obvious that initiative 19 is about a lot more than just letting us smoke. It signals you don't approve of a racist, imperial war (the war on drugs) that has...