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  1. candlegoat13

    Things to Know About Lighting

    To be honest with you idk.ive heard from others and read that hps is the way to go for flowering.i guess its quicker.
  2. candlegoat13

    Things to Know About Lighting

    This was very helpfull.Now ima go buy 2 cool spectrum fluorecent bulbs and 2 warm spectrum flourecent bulbs. apprx 2 feet length for my veg/clone room.
  3. candlegoat13

    grow room set up

    does anyone know any tips on how to add/mix nutrients????im clueless on that
  4. candlegoat13

    grow room set up

    POTINPANS...i never came across that. That hydro grow perfect.good price. thanx. i might stick to this instead.i really dont need that much room cuz i was thinking of growing two or three plants.but oh
  5. candlegoat13

    grow room set up

    ive checked on ebay.there more expensive and some of them dont even come with the filter,lights,or any of the other stuff
  6. candlegoat13

    grow room set up

    so im thinking of buying this im too lazy to build one.and i just wanna grow. do any of you guys think this will help me grow some weed?
  7. candlegoat13

    about 1 month in!

    Hi im new to this as well!!!N00b.i well this is what my plant looks like shes only one month old.Shes inside a fish tank as of now! guys got any ideas for fertilizer???
  8. candlegoat13

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats good everyone??? FIRST TIME GROWER!!!!=) Well i have a 3 week old plant(clone) my friend gave me and it started off great but now one of my leaves is turning yellow.I know its the lack of nitrogen.i read up on what needs to be done about that. I was just wondering if theres any small set...