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  1. D

    Starting Your Seeds

    Sorry man but I gotta disagree with you there. I too saw the video and I laughed through the entire thing. It isn't mind boggling it's just someone trying to sell me a product. If I hadn't been laughing my ass off I would have taken offense to the fact that they were blatantly insulting my...
  2. D

    Dreaming while baked?

    Hey guys I was just wondering what this is like for you. For me I always feel a strange consciousness the entire time and usually I wake up a little bit high.
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    Best Console Game To Play High

    Hands down plug in your n64 and turn on Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of time If you got friends over, play Rainbow Road on Mario Kart 64
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    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    Those were crazy man! Can I know how long you were stuck in the trip?