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    Mdanzig's Blue Ryder. Anyone have Info or pics ?

    hey man, i have some blueryders. i also got em from attitude. this was my 1st attempt to grow. for the 1st 3-4weeks my plants were stunted in growth. once i transplanted, and backed off of em a bit they started to grow slowly. today is day 57 and the tallest is 5 inches, the other is 3inches...
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    So who's growing Blueryder?

    these are my blueryders, they are quite small, but are covered in resin glands.
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    lowryder blue ryder

    anyone out there tried the blueryder strain from lowryder? im totally green to growing, first time, but am staring with a few lowryders and a giga bud....
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    The Lowryder Thread

    Well i can say that with the research ive done, the space im growing in, the low odor, lowryder appealed to me. i got my seed from attitude seed bank, it took under 1 week to get em. this is my first grow. i have constructed a grow box from an old shelf in my bedroom. hoipe fully this grow works...
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    i recently planted a couple lowryder blueryders...this is my first attempt a growing. i also have 1 female giga bud in the works. im curious too see how it goes...