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  1. brsweet

    How much longer?

    wow three weeks? I was thinking she was on her last week, but hey it's my first grow so I'm a bit anxious
  2. brsweet

    How much longer?

    Thanks twistyman, any idea how many weeks? Two, three..?
  3. brsweet

    How much longer?

    Hey, any suggestions on how much longer I should let her flower? she's an unknown bagseed on day 50, soil, 400hps, fox farm nutes. First grow so I'm unsure when exactly to cut her down. Looking for a racy head high so I don't want to wait for amber trichomes. Thanks.
  4. brsweet

    Pistils still not turning brown at 6 1/2 weeks...

    thanks guys. no it's 6 1/2 weeks since the light switch to 12/12. I'll have to go get a 30x magnifier to check out the trichomes
  5. brsweet

    Pistils still not turning brown at 6 1/2 weeks...

    Hey all, So this is my first grow and my plant is doing pretty darn well. I've had a few scares and confusions thinking that she wasn't growing at the right speed and I got a bit of nute burn once or twice. I seemed to have remedied all these old problems and she's been growing very...
  6. brsweet

    Starting new seeds while other plant is flowering...

    I have a question. I'm finishing up my first grow right now - coming along pretty darn well (should be done in 4 weeks) and I wanted to start my new grow (super silver haze & big bang) right now because I need to flower the plant by june and harvest by the end of august, due to moving. I have...
  7. brsweet

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Hey Uncle Ben, I have a question. I'm finishing up my first grow right now - coming along pretty darn well (should be done in 4 weeks) and I wanted to start my new grow (super silver haze) right now because I need to flower the plant by june and harvest by the end of august, due to moving. I...
  8. brsweet

    Yellow dots and brown deformed top leafs?

    So now I flushed. Should I water with 1/4 strength dose of 20-20-20 nute, or should I wait a few days and add it in then?
  9. brsweet

    Yellow dots and brown deformed top leafs?

    Thanks guys I'll give it a shot.
  10. brsweet

    Yellow dots and brown deformed top leafs?

    Also I'm in a 3 gallon pot. Planning to flush with 5 or so gallons of pure water tomorrow. (never fully flushed before)
  11. brsweet

    Yellow dots and brown deformed top leafs?

    Hey there, First grow from bag seed, and I've run into a problem! Growing under 400w HPS in a 3'x4'x6' room with white walls. Water w/ fertilizer (10-54-10) every other day when the soil is fully dry. I feel like the bud formation is moving abnormally slow, but I am unsure... Was...