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  1. ForumRome

    Outdoor plant budding in early summer??

    So you think i should just let it continue in this wierd stage and pick them and then let them reveg and see what happens?
  2. ForumRome

    Outdoor plant budding in early summer??

    Yea thats what i was thinking. I would rather it continue into veg for longer so i could get a relatively large crop from it because it seems to be good bud. i was thinking that i would just let it do its thing and see what happens and also just keep an eye on the buds and just end up havesting...
  3. ForumRome

    Outdoor plant budding in early summer??

    I have 4 ladies growing outdoors in Nor Cal, however im a little confused by one of them. Three of them were clones i got about a month and a half ago and the other is a seed i planted on 4/20 so its about 2 months old. However it looks as if the one that i started from a seed is starting to bud...