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  1. rollingkansas

    Whats wrong with these two plants?

    damn those plants look too shitty...
  2. rollingkansas

    white dwarf auto 2 weeks from harvest...dying!!!

    ur shits fucked upppppp!!!! ohhhhhhh >>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^^^^^^^ damn... thats how it is. plant got ate by a deer and thats life except in this case it got killed by you....
  3. rollingkansas

    Talking to your girls.

    I tell the ladies theyre looking good when I water them.
  4. rollingkansas

    Flowering Phase For My Mini Plant... My New Experiment!!

    one of my plants did this. it yielded just over a gram. theyre fun to watch though.
  5. rollingkansas

    Things you do better when your high

    Im not as critical of myself when im high, Its easier to talk to and carry on a convorsation with people when im high because im totally myself and i dont judge my thoughts or what im about to say. I feel free. on the other hand if im blazed to space im probably not even gonna be able to form...
  6. rollingkansas

    Cali Kush 1st Grow

    your plants are looking great man, Im gonna follow your grow too.
  7. rollingkansas

    stealth subwoofer micro grow

    The plants are 4 days old from germination and growing fast :) Im keeping them under 24/0 light, cycling between 12 hrs t8t5 bulb, 6 hrs sunlight, 6 cfl. Most of the time 12 hrs t8t5 and 12 hrs cfl because the day temp outside is around 100 degrees here.
  8. rollingkansas

    Am I the only one that wants to kick Seth Rogans ass?

    nah man seth rogans gonna kick your ass hahaha oh damn im high
  9. rollingkansas

    "Querkle" my new pink toed taranchula

    when are you gonna get that bug smoked out man? dont be selfish with your weed lmao
  10. rollingkansas

    stealth subwoofer micro grow

    Im kinda experimenting with light. I keep em in the sub all night then take em out during the day for good ol' sunshine and if its rainy i have cfl's in the garage.
  11. rollingkansas

    stealth subwoofer micro grow

    I was suprised when it stayed cool because thats been an issue in the past. I plan on keeping 2 of the 12 inside the sub and bonsai them and the rest im gonna plant in the woods behind my house. It doesnt even get cold til november around here so i figure they'll get to an ok size and flower by...
  12. rollingkansas

    stealth subwoofer micro grow

    No, i dont have a fan because I dont want light to get out but no worries, temp stays mid 70*s while its all sealed
  13. rollingkansas

    stealth subwoofer micro grow

    I gutted an old subwoofer and put a single t8t5 bulb in it. no light leaks when its completely dark in the room. I dont plan on a big yield since im gonna bosai them,its more for the heck of it. I pre-germinated some bag seeds on a wet paper towel then put them in the dirt. 3 days and i have 2...
  14. rollingkansas

    My theme song, what's your?

    glad you enjoyed it man, its a trippy video :)
  15. rollingkansas

    smoking a male experiment part 2

    who gives a damn about anything your sayin chitown fucker. This guy took the time to post a thread about experimenting smoking males and shared his info with everyone. keep the threads coming Chronic
  16. rollingkansas

    kenny vs spenny. spenny on lsd

    I remember watching this stoned last year and i could barely breathe i was laughing so hard haha
  17. rollingkansas

    The "Explain your name" thread

    mine is from the movie rolling kansas and all my friends in kansas grow weed trees lmao
  18. rollingkansas

    finally got on here

    whats up everybody? just starting a big outdoor grow. journal with pics coming soon.
  19. rollingkansas

    My theme song, what's your?

    heres mine
  20. rollingkansas

    most random smoking experience?

    any other stories?