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  1. g13xkush

    outdoors question! 7 days into flower

    it will wash off but the leaves will soak the nutrients a lil and get bigger if he doesnt over do it and burn them. Since its raining you just might as well let the moisture and the Co2 given off by other plants in the environment control the growth as long as possible. the stem sizes will...
  2. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

  3. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    ok i will get some. i keep reading threads that stress using tiger bloom. i wanted to stay all organic but if i use 1/2 tablespoon of big bloom per gallon, how much tiger should i use? would they be good mix together or separate? i dont want to fuck this crop up lol :clap:
  4. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    thanks man. i am not in the upper midwest but the south.
  5. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    thanks man well put. makes complete sense. this is my first out door grow. im not a stranger to gardening but cannabis has a much different algorithm of growing compared other plants ive worked with. mad props to you. any help is appreciated
  6. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    4 of the ladies started to first flower about 5 or 6 days. i transplanted them about 10 to 12 days ago into 3 and 1/2 gallon buckets. the pics make it look like they are in much smaller pots. thanks for the heads up. i am new at this as it is my first time growing outdoors to this extent. any...
  7. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    ok i see what you are saying. excess build up on the buds from the fertilizer will make it moldy. ill stop now then. nice suggestion :clap:
  8. g13xkush

    outdoors question! 7 days into flower

    i would stop the water system and folar feed only with the fertilizer. it if its going to rain you can also soak a tissue with fertilizer and then cut pieces out and place them on the soil next to the base stalk. apply tooth pick if needed. if there is no sun you just want you leave it alone and...
  9. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    since july 3rd
  10. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    Hey everyone. Thought I would post this to show you my results so you could see the progress since the first photo I took. The reason why I planted these in the beginning of July is because my last crop of 24 got eaten in 1 day by these unidentified critters. A week later my friend got a hold...
  11. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    The precious 10 are now the precious 9. I eradicated 1 male and so far I have 3 females. Waiting for the sex to drop any time now on the others!. Any tips care to share?
  12. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    moved them to 3 gallon pots. this is gonna b a nice success. first signs of sex today. 3 females identified. 0 males identified. cross my fingers that the 12 that I have left will be females too.
  13. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    their roots want to go nuts!. i am gona let them out of their prison. Ah nothing like fresh new organic soil on roots that are taking off!
  14. g13xkush

    My Precious 10

    :joint:These are all in fox farm soil growing in the most hideous place i have ever seen, but they love it's surroundings. This is an advanced strain of some sort that was given to me by a friend that put it through many generations. Its defense mechanism is incredible considering where its at...
  15. g13xkush

    Outdoor Growing - Need Advice - Looking Good So Far

    yep its still to early to tell. I have 5 more in another area . they are a lil smaller and about a week behind, but they are coming through strong
  16. g13xkush

    Outdoor Growing - Need Advice - Looking Good So Far

    I will work on the whole camo thing. Its a bitch to get to where they are but that is next to work on since they are taking off now. Not one insect bite on these things yet which is great. They are so healthy and coming in strong. I took the bottom pic after i did some folar watering. Net pic I...
  17. g13xkush

    Outdoor Growing - Need Advice - Looking Good So Far

    Hello follow assistants in the most wonderful industry in the world. I started this new batch on July 3rd and although I am a newbie at this, I am however not a newbie when it comes to a green thumb. There are some things I am concerned with that maybe some of you experienced growers can help me...
  18. g13xkush

    males, females & hermaphrodite

    both sex features are present. the buds and the pollin sacks. lots of schwagg are hermaphs. its able to pollinate itself to produce seeds.