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  1. masterblazer420

    Colorado MMJ doctor

    Do you need any paperwork or proof of CO residency? What do they normally ask for and how the process work?
  2. masterblazer420

    Moving to Colorado to get MMJ (denver maybe)

    Hey great thread, I am in a similar situation. What paper work do they require? Some form of state I.D.? Do I need a CO address to qualify? Thanks!
  3. masterblazer420

    Moving to Colorado to get MMJ (denver maybe)

    mcrider, what doctor did you go through?
  4. masterblazer420

    Colorado MMJ doctor

    -------------------- REPLY: I have been doing that, I came across this posting today: Would this be a legit type of deal? Also, what do they require for paperwork in most cases (some form of CO I.D. or...?) Thanks, I really appreciate...
  5. masterblazer420

    Colorado MMJ doctor

    Looking to get legalized, anyone wanna help me out w/ a good doctor recommendation in Denver or Fort Collins? Thanks
  6. masterblazer420

    Cheap Reverse Osmosis Filter: Aka "zerowater"

    They sell them at Target and Walmart. Though I'm not sure if Canada has those...
  7. masterblazer420

    Real Hip Hop

    Jay-Z? You forgot the best. Young Jeezy? You forgot the street. Curren$y? You aint up on that kid. He's a mythblazer ha ha. Ludacris? Snoop Dogg? The all time rapper/ toker? You got a few good names, but you're missing some big names there. Especially on a blazing board... you need the...