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  1. bakedfairy

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    nice grow!!! :) did u grow all this just using cfls?
  2. bakedfairy

    BROKEN STEM!help please

    i have this 15 days old plant, it was pretty tall and leaning so i put a toothpick to handle it straight and this morning at 8 i put it outside at the sun, there was a bit of wind and when i came back the stem was broken the plant was leaning on the soil!! so i built a cast please look at the...
  3. bakedfairy

    Broken strain! Help!

    i have this 15 days old plant, its growing its third set of leaves.. i put it outside this morning, and when i came back the strain was broken and the plant was leaning on the soil, what happened was that the wind pushed my plant on the toothpick that was holding it straight and the strain...
  4. bakedfairy

    my first grow

    hello this is my first grow, my friend gave me a seed last time, i think its indica. i germinated the seed 5 days ago, then put it in soil. the temprature around them is 25 degree celcius. the cotyledon poped out on the third day, since then i keep them uner 18 hours a day of light( sun when its...
  5. bakedfairy

    hey from lebanon

    shoukran bigP ;) i doubt ill get caught i mean the cops have so much other stuff to take care of.the goverment isnt even finished. 9 year oldkids drive those vespas without a helmet.. the driving here is so dab.electricity runs out aloott. lebanon is soo unorganised...but if i get caught i get...
  6. bakedfairy

    hey from lebanon

    no im not a 5.0 :/.. u guys arent very welcoming .. i said i tried a few times but never got high.. im not the only one like that
  7. bakedfairy

    hey from lebanon

    whats weird
  8. bakedfairy

    hey from lebanon

    :peace: hey im from lebanon, i want to thank all of you here for all the help i got from this website :)i learnt alot. ive been introduced to hash about a month ago and i really liked it..i cant find weed in lebanon all i can get is hash from my friends..i dont even know any dealers here. im...