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    Nasa creates buzz with 'alien' announcement

    I am jealous. I ordered a fem pack a few months ago. It never arrived. I ordered from Attitude too. I was sure they would arrive and nada. I am going to try out this Burmese ShiskaBerry and then try to order some White Russian again. Do you have a link to your journal?
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    Nasa creates buzz with 'alien' announcement

    Finally an Educated man and good taste in Seeds as well
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    Fuck!!!! Management told me to take out window ac!!

    Not much at all. Rockwool will complete dry up in a few hours if not watered. Rise the water level so 1/4 of the wool is touching water till roots are long enough to touch water. Check out Sunleaves Super Starter Plugs. Stay moist for days.
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    Fuck!!!! Management told me to take out window ac!!

    I like the vertical light setup. Now you are thinking. If you can go Bare bulb. DO IT! You loose 10% lumens with the cooltubes. I think Vertical gives better results. Better yields. Denser Nuggs. The Co2 recipe is from Advanced. 3 Cups of sugar with molasses. 3 teaspoons of yeast. 1 teaspoon of...
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    Fuck!!!! Management told me to take out window ac!!

    Weed Smoking and blowing smoke around your plants will not kill them. You should probably do it more often. Good free source of C02. I swear I read the dumbest things on this site. This website is 90% bs, 10% knowledge. You have to read a lot and find that good 10%. I think you are over...
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    Funky leafs and deformation with pics

    Distilled and RO water has been used. I read RO water has no Mag. So probably my problem. But then again not all leaves are like this. Most are dark green and very glossy. Found a bottle of Cal Mag plus. Start it right away? How much per gallon? Every feeding? or every other? Foliar feed...
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    Funky leafs and deformation with pics

    Please do. I would greatly appreciate it. I have posted on the other sites also no luck. I just want to get this taken care of.
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    Funky leafs and deformation with pics

    This is starting to pop up on some leafs and is causing deformation. Plant is 3weeks into flower. Soil - FFOF and Light Warrior. Fox farm Nutes Ph - 6.5 -6.8 Temps 80-84 Co2 in use Humidity 35 and 40% Any idea what might be causing this?
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    Purple Stems??? HELP

    I think at first it was watered with low PH water but then they were flushed with distilled at 7. and have been water at 6.8 and 6.9. Thanks everyone for the info. They were started on Big Bloom hopefully that will help.
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    Purple Stems??? HELP

    Got some pictures last night. This is the Hawaiian Strain This is one is just starting to purple very odd. Deformed Leaf from the Hawaiian The LSD Also turned purple Leaf from the LSD Not really deformed. Top leafs are curling up (just started) and look at the bottom discolored leaf...
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    Purple Stems??? HELP

    Thanks everyone for the great info and input. Thanks Mazar i Shariff for the great info. And definitely look into that. I guess someone has been getting SuperThrive happy lol. I will get some pics and post tomorrow.
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    Purple Stems??? HELP

    Temps get up to 81 degrees during the day. They are under CFL's. Maybe over watering. What is the water ratio to container?
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    Purple Stems??? HELP

    A friend of mine ran into a problem and stems are turning purple. And deformation of the middle leaf and some what droopy..Not a purple strain and the temps have not dropped less then 72.They are in 2nd week of veg. They have been feed distilled water and SuperThrive. Soil mixture is FFOF and...
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    black light?

    You might want to do more research
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    black light?

    have you tired the green blub during off hours?
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    Co2 ??

    How do you keep a good Co2 level in a tent with a intake and exhaust fan? Or Do you guys suggest only running an intake fan?
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    Tips and Tricks

    Same here. Anyone have advice on indoor watering during veg and flowering?
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    HAWAIIAN Any Info?

    Sounds like you might have Hawaiian Sativa x Cotton Candy from the Federation Seed Co or you might have straight Hawaiian Sativa. Not a lot info on that strain around here. 'Hawaiian x Cotton Candy' from Federation Seed Co. Lineage: Not Listed Family: Unknown or mixed family...
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    AK47 or White Russian

    Just have a few questions before I make my final selection. I plan to do a bubbleponics setup each plant with individual 5 gal and I plan on going Vert. I plan on using a 400w Which plant would best for this setup? Which one would adapt the best to the conditions? This would be my first time...
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    250 Vs 400 HPS

    Whats your temp range? Does it get high at all? What is your room size?