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  1. RYRIPIT15

    When you going to start this year

    as SCARHOLE noted above be careful when you put your plants (seeds or clones) out because of the natural hours of light at that given time of year. In the past I have started seeds or clones early indoors, (both 24 hrs light and 18 hrs light), in hopes that putting them out in early april would...
  2. RYRIPIT15

    Juicy Fruit- Outdoors Mi. Picked Tonight Nice Pics!

    TASTY! I like the leaves!!
  3. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    No doubt. just think how big they'll be by then..hopefully you have a spot for some monsters.
  4. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    I'm not sure where you got the idea that I don't agree with what you wrote about the dark period. I am only talking about taking a plant from inside and moving outside..and the effect that has due to chaning the hours of light. 24/0 only being 1 example. As i've said several times, I use 14.5 to...
  5. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    I think for the 24/0 light indoor plant... to be able to be placed outdoor... and not be majorly stunted it would have to be late June. Even in June it is still only like 16 hours of light so it may very well still stunt. (haven't tried..getting hosed with the 24/0 in may idea once was enough)...
  6. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    In theory it seems like it would work and that the plants would just thrive, but it doesn't work that way. For them to take off and not need a couple weeks of being stunted, you would need to do as WILDSHIT said and use the same hours that you will have once you are no longer adjusting with...
  7. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    As far as taking ladies that you have cloned ready to flower indoor, I think you will be pretty disappointed with winter harvest if you move them out..if you are used to the indoor result. Just don't expect the same quality/quantity. Obviously not considering electricity/money factor. Putting...
  8. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    Ofcourse if you use atificial light from Jan-April you will have larger ladies to put outside. But as I noted before, be sure that you are good with the timer, and do some research to compare the actual hours of light that there will be in socal in April when you put them out. For example...
  9. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    Oh and just to correct myself the 12/12 has not passed in March. I just suggested starting seeds in March because they will be too new to go into Flowering By April, therefore not affected by 12/12. (same theory as noted by ODSMYDOG earlier in post)
  10. RYRIPIT15

    When's the earliest that you can put a plant outside to veg?

    Well I think I see where some of the confusion lies. There are definately 2 separate issues here. How soon the plants can be put outside and not be harmed by frost; and second, whether or not the plants will flower in jan or feb due to hours of light. --Question #1 is obvious. Don't put out...
  11. RYRIPIT15

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

  12. RYRIPIT15

    Male or female?

  13. RYRIPIT15

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    I Really Ejoyed the Thread! Looks like Killer Stuff! Great Pics throughout!
  14. RYRIPIT15

    44N Outdoor Guerilla Grow,

    Those are some tall ones! Was going to say..looks like damp area vegitation around the plants. Sure makes it tough fighting mold..i can relate! Look Good Though!!!
  15. RYRIPIT15

    How they lookin? please reply

    Looks Tasty! Nice Job!
  16. RYRIPIT15

    Well its all over

    I'll usually dehumidify off and on for a couple days to confirm no mold starts. let hang ATLEAST 1-2 weeks before putting in any container. Ofcourse no containers before "stem snap" verification. Check container often once that new mold doesn't start. --The Fine line between dring too...
  17. RYRIPIT15

    SOG... outdoors? need help..

    In all my experience I've done much better spacing out plants and doing fewer. Since they are not restricted outside..let them get huge..and the buds will do the same! Not to mention that gives you many fewer plants as far a legality is conerned!! Also put them in the ground if possible-makes a...
  18. RYRIPIT15

    Pre Mature Bud =) fuckkk

    For one...It definately depends on how much time you have to look at the plants daily. I would be worried that after all the rain..not only will there be places that you can see mold, but in many of my experiences with rain...mold also starts on the inside of those dense tops and before you see...
  19. RYRIPIT15

    Best state to grow outdoors?!?

    Obviously partial to NORCAL, but very similar conditions can be found in Oregon and Washington, as well as similar laws. If you were interested in Cali, IMO the cost of living is relative to the income, depending on what you do ofcourse...Hawaii would be great as well...
  20. RYRIPIT15

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    Nicely Done! More Good Stuff From Fellow NORCAL Growers!!