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  1. L

    UK outdoor flowering query

    I'm currently growing 2 female serious seeds chronic plants in my greenhouse, both are about 5ft tall and looking very healthy. One has lots of hairs on the bud sites but the other has virtually none and is showing little sign of flowering. Both plants where planted at the same time around...
  2. L

    August 1st plant sizes. What ya got?

    Got two Serious Seed's Chronic at 4 1/2 ft. First real grow and going well so far.
  3. L

    Would you call the cops if you had a couple of plants stolen

    This. How anyone could just stand by and watch some people steal from them is beyond me.
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Well two of my AK47 Autoflowering plants have sprouted, 1 didn't. They're in the greenhouse just now but will be moved in doors today. 600w hps in 3 gallon pots, hopefully I can get an ok yield for my 1st grow :D
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hi everyone, about to start my first grow today, got 3 Auto AK47 seeds germinating and should be ready to plant tonight. Ordered 5 fem seeds and received 10 which was a bonus. Will be growing under 600w HPS from start to finish growing in Biobizz all mix organic soil in 3 gallon pots. I was just...
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    Quick question regarding yield...

    Thanks Turd, think i'll start with 3 or 4 plants under my 600w and see how it goes.
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    Quick question regarding yield...

    Thanks for the reply fella, very informative and I appreciate the lengthy reply. Little tired right now as I'm not long in from work so I've read half of it and shall read the rest tommorow. I probably should have mentioned I'll be growing Auto AK47 (ordered 5 seeds and received 10 :D ) Under a...
  8. L

    Quick question regarding yield...

    Ok so I know lots of factors come into it when your talking about how much you can yield, I'm just wondering what is better to get the most out of your plants. Is it better to have less plants with more room to grow and get more light or to have more plants which are rather crowded? Which of...
  9. L

    hash prices

    The hash you get here in Glasgow is pretty poor most of the time and usualy goes for £25-£30 a half ounce. Got a Q of some really nice soft black afghani hash for £50 a few months back, lovely stuff. Was a one off though :(
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    Extractor Fan Problem

  11. L

    Extractor Fan Problem

    Hi all, need a little help. I recently bought this extractor fan and carbon filter I assumed it would would come with a plug to...
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    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Thanks Gumball.
  13. L

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Hi everyone, need a little quick advise, I'm looking to grow around 10-15 plants and I'm swaying towards growing Auto AK47 but I know these plants give of quite a smell and I really don't want my house to be overwhelmed with the smell of weed, as lovely as it sounds it would be far too jail bait...
  14. L

    Auto AK47 + Lowryder2 400w HPS

    Looking for a little advice, I'm considering growing this strain but I'm slightly concerned about the odor, I'm looking for grow around 10-15 plants. Is the odor of this plant very potent, I imagine growing 15 of these plants the odor would be quite overwheling. How could I keep the odor to an...
  15. L

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I know this has probably been asked a shit load of times in this thread but I'm looking for a pretty decent yielding auto flowering strain, hoping for an Oz+ per plant. I'll be growing under 600w HPS lamps, could anyone suggest a strain for me?
  16. L

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    Thanks for the quick reply man, I'm looking for an autoflowering plant that i can hopefully yield an oz per plant under 600w hps lamps, might give Blue Mystic a go. Hope you have a smoke report soon :D
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    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    How much are you expecting to yield in dry weight?
  18. L

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    Apparenty it has quite a low odor and smells like Chinese food. :-P
  19. L

    Auto Blue Mystic Journal

    Damn, you plant looks sexy! I think you've just inspired me to grow Auto Blue Mystic :D
  20. L

    Grow room design, help needed.

    Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated! I'm hopeful I can get my grow room functional within 6 weeks.