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  1. F

    Double Dream via oaksterdam

    Hey growers Just picked up 18x double dream cuts from oaksterdam. I was wondering if anyone has grown this and could give me some info/reviews. Thanks!
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    Questions about using straight uncut Fox Farms Ocean Floor

    I've taken a lot of punishment growing in dirt so this will be my last dirt run, but I wanted to make it a good one. I let some plants veg out for about 4 weeks, they are aprox 12-14" tall and they totally had the media dominated in their 1 gallon spots. So I threw them all in just...
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    This Is My Grow. There Are Many Like It, But This One Is Mine. 2k On Light ,Mover

    I am afraid some root aphids have had their way with my garden. It's a huge kick in the balls and my plants look like hell. I thought I was dealing with a simple fungus gnat infestation because the adult aphids grow wings and fly around your garden and look just like gnats. I laid sand down over...
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    Seedlings got to cold, drooping badly, tips?? asap

    They will bounce back. Just give them what they need and some time.
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    Nute Deficiency/ plant problem(blue leaves/dying)

    I would leach the plants with properly PH'd water of 6.8-7. Use 3x the amount of volume your container is. So 5gal pot = 15 gal of water. Wait a few days til the medium dries out, then feed @ half strength.
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    plant top leaves are cupping badly

    Looks like heat stress but you should also ensure your PH is correct.
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    week 8 huh? Bad news friend, your gonna smoke a mite or two. But as long as your aggressive you can salvage a harvest. Be careful not to spray TOO often, and try to spray early in the day so your plants have time to dry. You don't want it too humid, but spider mites flourish in DRY HOT places...
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    plants just put in rockwool yesterday from cloner..lookin terrible overnight.

    looks like the beginning of a PH problem to me. You wanna be between 5.5 and 6 for young clones. You should also mist your clones right away after you put them in cubes. This helps them maintain precious moisture. Get your humidity up. If they are rooted, You wanna be between 150-300 ppm's...
  9. F set of shoots curling up abnormal growth

    Also, is it possible you have a light cycle problem? It looks like your outside correct? Your plants should never see more than a pale moonlight. If they are some how being exposed to light when they are not supposed to, (street light, appliance, window light from a neighbor or something like...
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    Mold/Powdery Mildew

    Try a product called "Jungle Rain". It's not that expensive, it's organic, and it smells pretty good. Worked for me. You might have to treat more than once. But don't spray them every day.
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    Please HELP!! I can't figure this out

    You can rule out heat IMO. This looks like a calcium or micro nute deficiency which can be treated with Botanicare Cal-Mag. I have GDP too and had the same problem, except mine was caused by root aphids that are raping the plant of nutrients. I would start by leaching your medium with...
  12. F set of shoots curling up abnormal growth

    I would start by ensuring you have the proper PH. PH fluctuations can def create funky growth and make for some weird looking leaves. Make your first plan of action a soil leaching. Leach the soil with properly PH'd water of 6.8-7. You should use 3x the volume of your pot in gallons of water. So...
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    Worse than spider mites??? I have ROOT APHIDS... what a f****** nightmare.

    The worst part is there is really nothing conclusive to go on on the internet. Some people say azatrol works. Some people say it sucks. Some people say nematodes work. Some say they don't. I have some nematodes and that will be the next step but I also think the azatrol interferes with them and...
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    Worse than spider mites??? I have ROOT APHIDS... what a f****** nightmare.

    Yes, I am currently flushing the soil with H202, Azatrol, and SM-90 as we speak. We will see how the results turn out. I am hoping for the best. It's encouraging to hear you say H202 works; especially since its far more cost effective than Azatrol.
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    Worse than spider mites??? I have ROOT APHIDS... what a f****** nightmare.

    I've been growing a while. I recently relocated to So-Cal and went about my business. I was a little surprised when I started seeing deficiencies in my girls a few weeks into flowering. I tried to treat them (mostly showing a cal def.) and nothing really got any better. I was certain I had...
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    Re using rockwoll

    The general rule of thumb is NO! My buddy has a tray of 50 clones that didn't root. The problem was he used straight RO water with no nutes in it so the ppm was around 20. Nothing rooted in the cubes, and he wants to re-use them. I told him to throw them away just to be on the safe size. He...
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    what is the stongest strain

    It may have changed in the last few years or so, but I do believe it is or used to be white widow.
  18. F

    lighting? rep +

    You really can't have "too much" light man. Heat is the problem that you need to avoid when adding lighting. If you already have the 1000w you are almost certainly going to need a vented hood. A single 1k watt lamp with ballast can raise the temp of an area that small by as much as 30 degrees...
  19. F

    help! plant drooping and im not sure what the problem is!

    That soil looks bone dry except in the center. When you transplant you need to saturate ALL the soil, then allow it to dry. It is critical to water your plants generously after a transplant. That is how you water soil. Water it, let it dry, water again. It is important to water this way...
  20. F

    Little help Male or Female. go HERE and carefully inspect your node areas a COUPLE OF TIMES a day as you hit day 7 of 12/12... Male plants can pop up and release pollen in a very short time period. It's...