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  1. Dutchbuster

    Fuck Ommp. Fuck All The Bullshit And Smokescreen. Fight For Our Rights!Legalize!

    In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. Hunter S. Thompson
  2. Dutchbuster

    Barney's Farm - Tangerine Dream - Waterfarm!

    fucking incredible grow Dayzt +Rep you've made me see my space in a whole new light what kind of nutrient schedule are you on?
  3. Dutchbuster

    Still Heat Issues. I Don't Even Know Anymore.

    ventilation is key to success with high temps! :bongsmilie:
  4. Dutchbuster

    HELP! Plants dying due to light/nute change

    i am currently revegging.. and it is taking FOREVER to see new growth
  5. Dutchbuster

    HPS & MH Good Question

    imo the mh hps combo is great :weed:
  6. Dutchbuster

    HPS & MH Good Question

    the MH looks ways beefier
  7. Dutchbuster

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    so helpful man
  8. Dutchbuster

    My First Grow...

    the best time to water your babies is when they dry out. when you allow the soil to dry out and the pots to become light, the roots reach for the remaining moisture, stimulating development. However, anytime is fine to water as long as you're not overwatering and your plants look fine...
  9. Dutchbuster

    HPS & MH Good Question

    Mh during flowering will produce shorter, bushier plants while using a HPS will initiate stretching that plants go through in their natural cycle as the days become shorter and the sun is red
  10. Dutchbuster

    My First Grow...

    looking healthy! you'll have some smelly cheese in a few weeksbongsmilie
  11. Dutchbuster

    Relationship Issues.

    lol man then i have to agree with 420 realistically, if you don't intend on quitting ( and i mean lets face it who can do that? ), and she doesn't approve, things will get worse. Practically anything used as a coverup will rear its ugly head later in the form of trust issues
  12. Dutchbuster

    Relationship Issues.

    been there before man wasn't worth it there are plenty other fish in the sea who love mary j. i personally believe if there's someone who tries to change me then it's not worth it period. Did you smoke before you were in the relationship?
  13. Dutchbuster

    Still Heat Issues. I Don't Even Know Anymore.

    ive never had any physical signs of heat stess with temps sometimes above 95, but i guess it also depends on the strain they survive outdoors at those temps :idea:
  14. Dutchbuster

    Still Heat Issues. I Don't Even Know Anymore.

    when are you running your cycle? ive had the same type of temp problems since the beginning, and im beginning to think i may also need a mini ac it helped my temperatures a little by removing the ballast from the tent, and also running my light cycle during the night when it is most cool
  15. Dutchbuster

    Weeds Season 7 ep 1 (if u missed live)

    haha yesss
  16. Dutchbuster

    HELP! Plants dying due to light/nute change

    you think it was the snow storm? i know this is probably for more mature flowering plants but what does it do exactly? i will try and test my runoff water as well
  17. Dutchbuster

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    what works well is pee haha i had this problem in the past and urine will keep away deer, racoons and foxes, its the next best thing to coyote urine cuz it's free lol
  18. Dutchbuster

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    what nutes are in the soil at start?
  19. Dutchbuster

    Indoor Growing Issue HELP

    yeah what's in the soil there's nute burn on the tips whats the temp? a small space is harder to cool but a CFL like that is giving off little heat and can be placed inches away from the plant. also man id try not to just interrupt the light cycle like that, it can cause stress. What that...
  20. Dutchbuster

    HELP! Plants dying due to light/nute change

    i am feeding the Botanicare Commercial growing system 17 grow and bloom, but i also added in ( hindsight, maybe shouldnt have) some snow storm and floralicious. I stopped feeding the grow nutes but assumed there would be enough available nitrogen remaining in the soil as the plants were verdant...