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  1. M


    I never get any replies to my questions but I'll try one more time How many times a day should I cycle my fans off so I can inject co2. I have a controller that will cycle fans on temp and enable co2 at 2 scfm for 15 min. cycles and let the fans stay off for an hour afterwards but I'm not...
  2. M

    Leaf issue

    Hi there, This is not my first grow however it is my first flood and drain grow. My plants are 55 days from cutting and 21 days into flower. My nutes are FF and today they are adjusted to 1270 ppm with a ph of 5.8. They seem to be very content. Today I noticed this on one of the fan leaves...
  3. M

    DWC to flood and drain

    I figured it out
  4. M

    Why Does My Ph Go Up Every Day? Will I Ever Stop Adding Ph Down?

    Try sure to grow products and most of your water problems will cease...
  5. M


    Yesterday my ebb and grow was delivered and dry it seems to be a nice system. Before I actually fill mine I going to add a level sight glass, fittings on top for the chiller, and insulate it. Perhaps a shut off to each circuit would be convenient as well. This should be a good experience.
  6. M

    DWC to flood and drain

    I have a few plants that are just starting day 2 of 12/12 and have a very substantial root system in a 5" net pot. My ebb and grow system arrived today and I would like to put the plants into a 2 gal bucket. Will there be any drastic issues to watch for? Thanks
  7. M

    trichrome timing

    I hope you pulled them??
  8. M

    need help with my root system

    1/4 tsp. per gallon is no good. try 2 tsp per gal.
  9. M

    wanting to try DWC but have some ?'s

    probably at least 4 ". you can use anything, just about to grow in. I once used marbles and a beer can. You can make your own net-pots but you'll lose a lot of veg time. seriously good luck on this new endeavor.
  10. M

    2nd go with dwc

    Looks like the beginnings to some good sativa..
  11. M

    1st hydro attempt

    Ok, since this is obviously a looky lou post I'll just ramble on. To start this seasons grow I will be starting out with a few new seeds from ATTITUDE.. Let's see I have Northern Light, Blackberry, aurora indica, oh and about 4 other strains, I can't remember right now ( too much product...
  12. M

    1st hydro attempt

    Hi all, This will be my first attempt at a grow journal so please be patient with me. I gladly accept constructive criticism and proven advise. I have several soil grows to my experience both indoor and outdoor. I am however starting a new chapter and working on my 1st...
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    Weed on a plane..

    That's CRAZY.. Maybe by mail???
  14. M

    Nutrient Level

    I did a water exchange and adjusted from 5.9 ph and 1095 ppm to 5.5 675 ppm. I'll try that for a few days and see how it goes I also have 2 plants that are ing the same tank both White rhino and their leaves are growing with pointed edges. I'll try to post pics
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    Nutrient Level

    Thank you. I use a 27 gallon bin with 10 gallons of water. I will replace 5 gallons with fresh ph'd water to get the ppm down. thanks again
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    Nutrient Level

    This is my first grow in bubbleponics. My ph is kept around 5.9-6.2 with ff nutes at about 1005ppm. the plants are in the 6th day of veg. the problem is the plants don't seem to be eating, the ppm is climbing. any ideas oh the water is kept about 74 deg f
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    Looking for good advice as to how to care for mother plants in dwc (nute levels) using ff nutes thanks
  18. M

    Nutrients for Hydro

    Thanks guys
  19. M

    Nutrients for Hydro

    I have been a dirt grower using fox farms. Is there a better system for hydro?