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  1. 1

    How to go from rooted clone-cutting to hydro? (noob)

    would a feed ov 24.8.16 be alryt
  2. 1

    How to go from rooted clone-cutting to hydro? (noob)

    would a feed ov 24.8.16 be alryt ?
  3. 1

    How to go from rooted clone-cutting to hydro? (noob)

    i have been given sum cutting that have alredi started flowering but are onli 5-6inches big is ther anyway i could stop them from budding and put bk into veg stage bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
  4. 1

    Welcome New Members!

    hi im new 2 this and have 3 caly chesse plant under 2 , 250watts and they seen 2 be growing fine... buta friend has given me clones about 5-6 inches but have alredi started flowering is there anyway 2 stop them flowering and puttin them back into veg i would be gratful if any1 could help me !
  5. 1

    i need help sum1 message me

    i need help sum1 message me