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    what's your best 600 watt yield?

    I used a home built flood and drain system, had 2 plants but one died. The second smaller plant did 7oz dry following the guide here: This was my first grow and was using canna newts growing blue cheese (Not...
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    ROFL :D kiss-ass
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    newbie hydro question plz help

    Hi, I'm sorry I don't know if this will damage the plant and would not want to guess. I just wondered how the pump was fixed to the light? can you post a picture as you should be able to split them up and run the pump 24/7.
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    I got bugs in my hydroton rock!!!! What do i do???????

    I was told not to use H202 with organic nuits....I'm a noob but I just thought I would say in case, please correct this if it is wrong.
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    Musical Celebrities

    Hi, I'm still new here so a big Howdy to all! I thought I would try out a game a few of us play when having a smoke and chatting shite, the idea is you take the name of a band, singer or group and change it to a fish, here are some examples: The Beatles: John Lemonsole Paul McCarpney George...
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    preparing weed for brownies

    Thanks for this 420god! I will give this a go when i get home :)
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    Waterfarm by General Hydroponics

    I will second that, I based my grow off his and so far I have had some great results. scottyballs pineapple express link
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    how do u buy your nutes? quart? gallon? 2.5 gal? 5 gal?

    I buy mine in litre bottles. If I do my math right I have around a 6GAL (30L) res and 1L is around a quart (I assum a quart is 1/4 of a gallon? :P)
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    Best Hydroponic Nutrients???

    Seems no one really uses Canna then? I have seen it mentioned but no one says they use it as yet.... I have just started my first ever grow and have gone with Canna Aqua 2 part, I cannot compair it with others but from what I have so far I'm very happy with the proformance (Veg anyway only just...
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hi BigBudBalls, Thanks for the quick reply, I did the calculations and all is good...plugged in and working. I have given you some of the +REP thing I see people talking about :D Cheers, Ision
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hi, I'm sorry if this has been answered already, I got to about page 35 and my head when into information overload :P I use a plug n grow heavy duty timer (bottom of page) : Would just like to know if I can plug a double socket into this and have it...
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    New to the forum, would like to ask for some info on how best to setup fans

    New guy round here, howdy all :) I'm doing my first grow and have built a flood and drain system that works a treat but I'm having some heat issues :-(. I have purchased a cool tube which got my temps down from about 36-38c to between 27-30 (depending on ambient temps), I know this is still not...
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    Asked to Re-confirm

    Hi, I got this message but when I click the link this is the reply I get: Is this confirmed or an error?