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  1. B

    The "we the people" petition

    Thought it prudent to post the link to the whitehouse we the people petition to regulate marijuana like alcohol.!/petition/legalize-and-regulate-marijuana-manner-similar-alcohol/y8l45gb1 Curious to see where this goes. more info...
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    Obama 4/20 townhall Hu? Seems strange that he is going to be @ facebook w/ Mark Zukerburg (speling) who donated a large sum of $ to Prop 19 What you think
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    Cutting Early. Double Dare Me?

    look at the trichs... they are your guide, it all depends on how much longer based on strain... Doesnt matter really, you will want to let it cure for about 2 months anyway... Seriously, this is the last step and it takes patience... Flush them out the last 10 days, good flushing. Cut and let...
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    Almost Passing Out When Inhaling

    The combined effects of THC and the canabanoids causes you to drop your blood pressure... most likely is the rush of THC is causing your blood pressure to drop and that combined with how the drug interacts with your neurotransmitters you will loose some muscle control... What strains are you...
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    what would you do if aliens existed?

    THey do exist... Spend some time and look up "the disclosure project". Those are all reputable sources of information. As to the whys??? I dont know, just fathom a guess... I assume that they dont just show themselves as it would drastically change the social evolution of the entire planet...
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    Ate cannabis for the first time today!

    it just wont be as strong if you ate half... same length etc
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    On The Topic Of Addiction and Legalization

    Excellent point! I believe that could most be a point worth asking... But you get what Im saying and I appreciate that :) Yea, Im a poor speller, always way
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    Legalization Predictions

    I think that the horizon looks good for the end of marijuana prohibition... Although Prop 19 was shot down, Cali is learning from its mistakes and drafting a new bill with what they learned... They are taking in the opinions from growers, lawyers, police and everybody to draft something better...
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    Re-Post From Other Board.On Addiction And Legalization

    I have not worked with methadone users, from a clinical standpoint... Our program did not allow clients to be taking any controlled medications (Benzos, opiates etc) If you have something specific that you dont want to discuss on the board, I would be more than happy to discuss it in PM...
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    On The Topic Of Addiction and Legalization

    @ undertheice: Exactly! thank you
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    On The Topic Of Addiction and Legalization

    Love to explane, what I know at least... The basic principle of cannabis induced psychosis is this Some people who smoke cannabis have developed a deep psychotic episode... Short version, they loose connection with reality totally for a couple days... Those patients who have these episodes...
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    On The Topic Of Addiction and Legalization

    Prettymuch... You dont have the "seizures" etc when you stop using marijuana because your body doesnt develop a "need" for marijuana. It does develop a need for cocaine and heroin. That is Chemical dependency in a nut shell ---- If every time you got mad, angry or just stressed out...
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    On The Topic Of Addiction and Legalization

    Prettymuch... You dont have the "seizures" etc when you stop using marijuana because your body doesnt develop a "need" for marijuana. It does develop a need for cocaine and heroin. That is Chemical dependency in a nut shell ---- If every time you got mad, angry or just stressed out you ran...
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    Re-Post From Other Board.On Addiction And Legalization

    Evening RIU community, I posted this elsewhere before i remembered to keep looking around... Anyway, sorry for the double posting, hope you can forgive.... Anyway; Ive been paying attention to the rising debate over legalization of medical and recreational marijuana and i have seen...
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    On The Topic Of Addiction and Legalization

    Addiction is a psychological issue. It doesnt matter what the substance (or activity) is. Chemical dependency is a physiological issue, where your body needs a substance. Its like this: Chest pain is a symptom of coronary artery disease (Addiction is a symptom of emotional distress) Running...
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    On The Topic Of Addiction and Legalization

    Evening RIU community, Ive been paying attention to the rising debate over legalization of medical and recreational marijuana and i have seen something lacking. There is this a basic misunderstanding on what addiction actually is. Addiction and chemical dependency are totally separate issues...
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    CFL bulbs watts????

    keep searching around the site for info on cfl growing. As i understand it: When you look at cfl s you want 5000-6500 k for veg and then when you switch to 12/12 (flower) you want to be using a lower (about 2500k) watt bulb. Look on the packaging and you can see what it is I am talking about...
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    Advice + help needed

    bigger pots i think? they are 8 wk old right?
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    Young Plant Problems, Please Help!!! (PICS INCLUDED)

    did you poke drain holes in the bottom? What kind of soil? What kind of lights Im no expert by any means but they look overwatered
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    Please tell me what this is?????

    Perhaps "Appalachian Engineered"