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  1. C

    oxycodone how to stop nausea

    Heh Thx! 4 da props "BudDreaMs, yea and then I c some one ask "how much to sell em for??!! are u fn crazy, might as well be caught selling herion, do not do dat.....! It is Synth herion (From the Thebane ) which is in the resin of the Real Poppy Plant BUd... Oxy is made or "synth'ed" or copied...
  2. C

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Ya this is exac how it is done. Learn and Execute. This guy is a Pro Cutter Advisor to the Stars"
  3. C

    Oxycodone Help

    Do not snort Percs.. thats lame... he is right the daily limit is 2=3000 mgs dep upon body size.... these contain the same ingred as Oxys.. so be careful.. I recommend stay away... If you have a script for these.. well that dr is like a damn attorney.. he knows ur are comin back every mo for da...
  4. C

    oxycodone how to stop nausea

    U need to stop oxy, if you need help withdrawing lemme know... If your having nausea then you do not have a tolerance for this drug, oxys kill dude. Never take an 80 less youve been on oxys for some time.. u will wake up dead.. it will shut down your natural desire to breath while you sleep...
  5. C

    Transplanting bigger plant question

    Yes it will work, be sure to use Transplant solution, and you will lose about 2 weeks while the plant "recovers" from da surgery... knock off most of the old soils carefully trying not to damage the root structure,, get ur other larger pot ready mix 1/2 quality potting soil, 1/3 vermiculite and...
  6. C

    Can I plant indoor strain outside

    The 1st post about finishing time is right, the sun will determine this, you will deal with Thieves, bugs, mold if it rains a lot, if so you will need to go out and shake them out a bit every time to get the h2o off of them... thats y inside kicks. U can use dirt indoor, hydro is over rated...
  7. C

    Got my grow on seriously this time

    A quick review of your post Sounds like you transplanted them one to many times, take em straight as soon as you see root/s appear at bottom of rock wool cubes and immediately bury each at least 3/4 into soil, be sure to water once per day for the 1st 2 weeks as the dirt will "wick" the water...
  8. C

    first time grow, how does my setup idea look?

    In ur veg cycle onlu use 400-1000 wat metal halide, use hps for flowing, it is also very cool to use both in Flowering, your thoughts on growing dn are bad, as the deeper the roots go the less oxygen then will get thus less nutrient conversion, stay at a min depth of 8-12 inces and width is...
  9. C

    What's you opinion on the setup?

    I really liked your "punishing" the plants. Tying them over like that is much better than topping them, which is of course also cool yet the stress makes them stronger for one thing the plant will be able to support the big bugs ur are going to get. There are a few things you can do. The 2 gal...
  10. C

    Stockton Ca looking for professional/discreet grow consultant.

    I will help you for free. I am looking for a partner, I have my own start up moneys and equip. Just relocated from Hawaii. Licensed w/ 30+yrs experience. Hydro or dirt, spray, air, whatever. Inside or out. I do it and do it extremely well. W/ or w/o a partner I am selling my estate in Tx and...