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    Three roommates growing, legal question.

    Hello, Me and my two roommates are growing in one of our closets. We all have cards, but the plants are located in one persons room. Is this a legal problem? Edit, Sorry we are in CA
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    When will she be ready?? Its an AK-47 plant, entering the 7th week.
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    Golden Spiders??

    Hi! Recently I have been finding small golden spiders in my grow. I think ive killed 3 different ones, but i only sprayed them down and watched the spider go into the soil so there is a possibility its the same spider (but its been on different plants). It does not look like a spider mite since...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Fosho, i was vegging them under a t5 (1-3 inches form the light) but we had to rush them into flowering due to time restrictions. I just flushed yesterday, hopefully everything turns out okay.
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hello, We have 8 plants under a 1000w in a vented 6inch hood. The light is about 1 foot from the tallest plant. We use FloraNova bloom nutes, Bud Candy, Humic Acid and Magic Cal at a Ph of 6 and she's 3 weeks into flowering (pic taken during week 2), also she's potted in roots organic soil. I...
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    1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help!

    Hello, We have 8 plants under a 1000w in a vented 6inch hood. The light is about 1 foot from the tallest plant. We use FloraNova bloom nutes, Bud Candy, Humic Acid and Magic Cal at a Ph of 6 and she's 3 weeks into flowering (pic taken during week 2), also she's potted in roots organic soil...
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    1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help! 2.5 weeks into flowering

    anyone out there have any other suggestions as to whats causing the tips of the leaves to turn dark green/black?
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    1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help! 2.5 weeks into flowering

    K, when the light turns on at 11 i will flush them. So why did the tips turned dark green/black? nute burn?
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    1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help! 2.5 weeks into flowering

    Thanks for the info man, i need all i can get. So, what exactly do you mean by 75% runoff? the amount of water that drips through the drainage. + rep for the helps!
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    1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help! 2.5 weeks into flowering

    Yes, it is in a closed '6 hood. We have a ghetto ass venting system, but it keeps fresh air coming in and pushes hot air out. We do need to invest in a humidity/thermometer, but for now the temperature is not higher than 85 deg max. We flush every other week with 3 plain water waterings. Since...
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    1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help! 2.5 weeks into flowering

    Well, it went straight to the color that it is. I guess it could be the nutes, the floranova and humic acid are both pretty dark and thick. I am also thinking it might be heat stress, i need to get a thermometer for the room to make sure tho.
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    1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help! 2.5 weeks into flowering

    Hello, We have 8 plants under a 1000w lamp. The light is about 1 foot from the tallest plant. We use FloraNova bloom nutes, Bud Candy, Humic Acid and Magic Cal at a Ph of 6 and she's about 2.5 weeks into flowering, also she's potted in roots organic soil. The tips of the AK-47 leaves are...
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    You couldn't just explain why?
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    I ended up getting Flora nova, Bud Candy and Earth Juice humic acid.
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    Naw, they were in 5 gallon buckets. But fosho, thanks man! This is a different topic but since everyone seems to have a different opinion about nutes i might as well ask what do y'all recommend?I am considering picking up FF Big bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. Should I? or should i go with...
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    they were 1-3 inches from the light. If anything, it could be the clones, while the AK-47 is lanky some of the others are much bushier.
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    Well, i dont have PPM meter yet so i dont know. They were given MaxiGro (10-5-14), MagicCal (2-0-0) and a Spray-N-Grow Micronutrient (foiler feed) with 0.10% Iron and 0.05% Zinc and we used a 24/0 light cycle. We definitely rushed into growing and weren't sure weither to get the MH or HPS 1000w...
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    Alright, so should I keep them under the 1000w with a longer day cycle or put them back under the T5? I did hurry and try to start flowering since i have to be completely done with harvest around the 2nd week of december (I'm moving back home for winter break). Ya, if we wanted to put the light...
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    The only nutes it has been given are MaxiGro (10-5-14), MagicCal (2-0-0) and a Spray-N-Grow Micronutrient (foiler feed) with 0.10% Iron and 0.05% Zinc. The plants have been under a T5 light since we bought them as clones (September 26) and put them under the 1000 Watt 4 days ago. The top of the...
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    First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

    While vegging i was using maxigrow nutes. It has 10% nitrogen. Hopefully i can make it to the hydro store tomorrow to pick up more nutes