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  1. veed2point0

    Outdoor Growers: Newbie quesiton.

    I was afraid of that... :/ Thanks guys.
  2. veed2point0

    Outdoor Growers: Newbie quesiton.

    SWIM has Northern Light Femanized seeds, SWIM lives in a hot climate. If SWIM germinates/plants ASAP, will they finish before freezing weather comes? Average temperature for November is 66 degrees. December becomes 58. Or must I wait until next year?
  3. veed2point0

    Did I jus BURN the crap out of my PLANTS? SWITCHED TO 600 MH!!! INSTANT HELP PLEASE!!

    Try giving it half doses of nutes an see how it reacts. Under 84 is great an 30 inches from your lights is plenty. Also, what water are you using?
  4. veed2point0

    Fem or Reg?

    Sorry for the late reply, I can only get to a computer so often. But thank you very much for all the help. I'll keep everyone updated how it goes.
  5. veed2point0

    Fem or Reg?

    Thanks, so what if SWIM decide to let the hermy grow so SWIM can get the seeds so SWIM won't have to buy them again, will they be of potential hermafication (made up word) too, or will they be regular seeds of that strain?
  6. veed2point0

    Fem or Reg?

    SWIM purchased Northern Lights Feminized from Nirvana Seeds, then SWIM read: Basically it says that fem seeds have a much more likely chance becoming hermaphrodites. Should I avoid fem seeds in the future? What can I do for my plants if any go herm?
  7. veed2point0

    Public Opinion?

    Well, thanks. :D I'm going to get new seeds via a reputable seedbank and start my new ones, but I'm still gonna keep the bagseeds going too.
  8. veed2point0

    Public Opinion?

    Corn is slang for a grade of bud between reggie and dro. This isn't everywhere? I suppose so. But I wouldn't say it's 'fluffy nugs' HQ bud around here comes deseeded. I guess to monopolize?
  9. veed2point0

    Public Opinion?

    Corn is a slang term for a grade of bud around here between reggie and dro. I didn't know this was uncommon when posting this. SWIM is doing his first outdoor grow, he figured instead of purchasing seeds, he'd use seeds from corn for his first time, to gain some experience before 'wasting'...
  10. veed2point0

    LF> Experienced Glass Blowers - Texas

    I truly appreciate the condolences, I didn't get back to replying last night for apparent reasons. Still haven't found anybody, but also still looking.
  11. veed2point0

    LF> Experienced Glass Blowers - Texas

    I'll be adding pictures in a minute. I, 30 minutes ago, broke the base to my bong. I'd go on a large rant about how and why this particular bong is so important to me, but I'll save time. I need someone who can fix a pyrex base to a bong. The shaft is fine but the base and a small piece of the...
  12. veed2point0

    INSANE Easy Ryder 250w HPS grow

    What type of ballast did you use for your 250w HPS bulb? All I have been able to find are these easily 170$ ballasts, and looking for alternatives.
  13. veed2point0

    Live from Texas!

    Actually, no. I hate Jerry Jones and everything he represents, HAHAH! I don't plan on it. I'll be starting up my first here in the next 30 days so you'll be hearing lots from me. I just hope it goes well!
  14. veed2point0

    Which options are best for me?

    Alright, thanks! I'll look into both. I'll continue to post any questions I don't come across in this thread though, so please check back :D Are you certain any magnetic ballast of correct wattage can take both MH and HPS? Is there a 'preferred light-bulb' if I were going to only use 1...
  15. veed2point0

    Which options are best for me?

    I am not sure what DWC even is, or hempy buckets. I've never heard of them, so I will do some research, unless you'd care to elaborate?
  16. veed2point0

    Which options are best for me?

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to everyone, with the Holidays and all. Well, I can attend it quite often, I have a very flexible schedule due to my unique circumstance. Some of you said that soil is easier than hydro, what about aeroponics? From my impression of soil, there's quite a bit...
  17. veed2point0

    Live from Texas!

    Haha, well I have never actually said howdy in my life, but I appreciate it :D
  18. veed2point0

    Which options are best for me?

    I've been reading into the different systems, FAQ's, etc. etc. on the forum for a few days now, but I have a few opinion-based questions.. What type of growing system is best for me? I really am only looking to grow 1-3, just as a personal hobby, but I am a perfectionist so I want a quality...
  19. veed2point0

    Live from Texas!

    Hi everybody, I've been in the IRC chat a few times but am yet to post on the forums, cheers to formalities! As the title says, I'm a Texan; I stumbled upon looking for some answers, going to be doing some personal growing. But mainly here for the passion of smokin' :joint: