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  1. K

    True High Pressure Aeroponic DIY Setup Or Commercial System..

    Well c4rb0n i think the reason people prefer Hp to Lp is so that you can achieve droplet size of aboute 50 micron
  2. K

    True High Pressure Aeroponic DIY Setup Or Commercial System..

    Thanks for the indepth info Treeth! Yeah its to bad that fatman got banned..!
  3. K

    True High Pressure Aeroponic DIY Setup Or Commercial System..

    I've been looking for DIY plans for a Hp Aeroponic setup and there just isint any information out there or any company that sell Hp aeroponic units.. There was the Atomix system but they arent in business anymore! So my question is: Are there any good DIY setups with the best components money...