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  1. reapen

    The 'Post your CFL yields' official thread.

    Dude sorry, but theres not even a single "," or "." @Threadstarter: Hi, Österreicher? :D @topic: Can take part in this soon, at the meantime i got no thing to show off, sorrily.
  2. reapen

    cfl grow. GET SOME!

    It might just had bader light, other amount of nuts, other roots. Hard to determine, not every plant is the same. I wonder no one has asked, whats you actual wattage?
  3. reapen

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Sure as hell this has to be answered here, but do electrical companys have a way to track "abnormalties" for a single user/household ?
  4. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    Wow, thanks. Gonna look for that, Amnesia Haze has one of these buds too, even if she looks _very very_ well besides the one bud. Herbal: She sure is/was sick, and she would have been the earliest in the cage. Just not possible. I think she pushes white hair out again through these little green...
  5. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    No ideas ? :( I think she might be in danger, because leafs are turning the colour. If you got suggestions keep em coming. And sorry for the third up in a row
  6. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    So, i can describe it now better. The bottom part of the hairs are green, then a little white bit and then red/brown. It seems she tried to make white hairs, but they degenerated. Could this be? If yes, might it be related to the green cube ? Thanks again.
  7. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    So, promised pics. Hope you can see it now, might it be a problem with the roots ? The block is not looking good and kinda greenish, shes in earth but i can still see the cube. Might this be the problem ?
  8. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    Gonna make some tomorow again, trying other light and distance for the photo. CFL's about 10 cm's away, and i take it easy since i know there are no bugs on it, so its just her that has the problem. :)
  9. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    Ok, some pic. Better camera still not good, macros don't work well.. This is the headbud, size is about the size of my small finger's fingernail so you can imagine what i mean with "not evolving sufficiently". Might it be the case that i killed her with HESI ? She had red stems, and maybe the...
  10. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    That would mean 4 week to 5 week flowering for finishing, what i dont think. Maybe i can organize an sufficient camera.
  11. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    Back again. First off, sorry for not beeing able to provide pics. Shitty mobile-camera can't handle the short distance. The buds have red hairs, no insects when looking close. Just the top buds and the bottom ones have long white hair. The top ones have short red hair and rolled up white hairs...
  12. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    Ok, good one with insects. I'll check tomorow, and get some pics anyway to let you know. Thanks, i really haven't thought of that. WW has just finished week 3, so nowhere near to beeing done.
  13. reapen

    Buds have red dots

    Hi, I want to ask you related to a little problem. There's a WW that has stopped to evolve somehow. The plant in general looks healthy, no bad leaves and minimal red stems. But the buds are getting very small little red dots. I don't know what to do, I can't google it because i don't know how...