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  1. dyjack

    Smoking Bud + Wanking At The Same Time!!

    don't meant to judge.. but wtf?? funny ass post, but really?? while we're on the subject, ambien then see how long you can do it before you fall asleep. hahaha
  2. dyjack

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    Probations a bitch Fuck That dictator justice How I miss mary
  3. dyjack

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    Satan's mistaken god payith no attention All Lies rest your mind
  4. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    I didn't insult you. Cheer up butter cup.
  5. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    No shits given here. That's all I was saying is that we interpreted it. You are saying I'm wrong when you are reading what I say wrong, but in all actuality you just said exactly what I did. you're a dwarf among midgets congratulations Mr.professor.
  6. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    I didn't say the phenomenon is man made. Why are you preaching on a smokers forum? Shouldn't you be teaching a class? Oh wait No one gives a shit ;)
  7. dyjack

    Dream Journal(after not toking)

    Been really busy lately, so haven't had time to post any dreams. Had a crazy one that a friend and I were fighting a massive demon that came out of a crack in the earth. Anyone else got dreams they want to share? I'd like to hear them. I'm going to school to become a self practicing...
  8. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    Gravity is a man made word to better understand it, as is the laws. Weird to compare it to; good and evil is man made, murder is man made. We don't kill to survive anymore. We kill over ego. Maybe the first step towards abolishing ego is to not say someone is wrong, but to just take it as...
  9. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    We can never bend the laws of physics if everyone thinks like that. It obviously is a thought by man because we have LAWS for it. Laws are meant to be broken;) I'm not saying man invented gravity. Just saying the rules for it are In fact man made. And the other person who posted about...
  10. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    That is so awesome you found that too! I found it on stumbleupon about a year ago
  11. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    If all we ever followed was the known, we wouldn't have half the stuff we have today:)
  12. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    That's not really a good way to look at it, in my opinion. The law itself is entirely manmade because some guy said "oh well that apple fell on my head, so thats the law of physics" just as time is only perceived by man. every idea we have is made by man. i imagine it does on other planets...
  13. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    Thank been here for a couple years, but only ever posted for grow advice. I imagine that it's entirely possible to change the laws of physics. We just aren't advanced enough to even grasp it yet.
  14. dyjack

    Cannabis and sexlife

    It's really great either way. Fucking while your faded as hell though seems to be like a.. well i cant remember. hahaha
  15. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    Well if you think about it, the law of physics is man made. Anything man made has flaws. And yes every girl is also crazy Haha. Sweet name by the way. "Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else"
  16. dyjack

    What's the point of it all?

    My family and friends.(includes my pets). definitely enjoy looking off a huge cliff at the landscape and seeing beauty everywhere. It gives me the same feeling as looking into my girlfriends eyes.
  17. dyjack

    Is anything impossible?

    I imagine that humans are capable of genetic mutation to the point that we can live infinitely if not for hundreds of years. I am sure humans are capable of evolving to god like proportions, but not in our lifetime! And i agree with Indagrow, I think in a couple hundred years if not less there...
  18. dyjack

    Dream Journal(after not toking)

    I definitely understand. i tend to try to write them down first thing when i wake up. Maybe someday someone will invent a way of recording the images within ones mind. Best i can do it is type it down and hope others can picture it somewhat the same way :D
  19. dyjack

    Dream Journal(after not toking)

    Feel free to post your dreams here buddy! I'd like to hear them.
  20. dyjack

    Dream Journal(after not toking)

    I was stoked to read your post Sativa. (Ooh how I miss sativa) another friend of mine has been having dreams of Russians invading too! Probably our paranoia from this end of the world mumbo jumbo. Read the new dream post if you would like its rreally weird!