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  1. I

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Hey sup noobie question here. I was giving a customized feeding schedule and it has "b-52 by advance nutrients" on the feeding chart. I was wondering when do you guys or whoever has used b-52 during what weeks during flowering and... how many ML per gallon. And do I have to drop any other...
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    help with b 52 nutrient

    I was wondering during what weeks you guys usually use b-52 from advanced nutrients? And how many ML per gal? I'm running coco. Thanks:idea:
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    NEW TO COCO/PERLITE! could use your help and opinions

    you check run off in everything. As i was taught. Check p.h. and ppm. If ppm's are to high then add water to rez or flush till it reads what u want. If its to low bump up stuff 1ml + or more per gal or whatever size your mixing in. I hope this helps I aint a pro and i dont know if this is...
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    NEW TO COCO/PERLITE! could use your help and opinions

    I was planning on hand watering a tray full of medium now. Instead of smart pots. I'm using 4x4 trays and filling it all the way with coco/perlite. instead of 4 ima use 3 inche rockwool now then transfer them into the bed of coco in the 4x4. and one 1000 per 4x4 ima have about 20-26 tables...
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    NEW TO COCO/PERLITE! could use your help and opinions

    bump opinions and help please!!!
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    NEW TO COCO/PERLITE! could use your help and opinions

    This will be my 2nd grow. I was taught by someone that ended up my friend but that man is so busy with all his projects and life that he hasn't even had the time in about 1 year to help me going thru the whole process step by step. But here he goes I'm going to break down how my set up from...
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    Super Soil Results

    aw man i thot someone answered my questions. BUT... you should do more research on SUBS forums. Scroll down and there is a TOPIC on all the strains he has made and has seeds for them and the grow time etc etc. go find it :P
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    Super Soil Results

    Hey sup again. I stay out here in the Orange county / los angeles area. And I'm trying to get exactly what sub uses in his mixes. Meaning every single brand of product is the same there for having atleast something similar results. The only thing I can seem to find is Roots organics thats...
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    Super Soil Results

    Thanks sub! Do you still do this method? Have you upgraded the mixture since the 2010 recipe? :) thanks for everything! you the man!
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    Need help going all out!!!!!!!

    My soon to be mothers. I didn't have much money or stuff for my ladies. It's 2 part happy frog 2 part ocean forest soil and one inch of perlite on the bottom and one inch on top. Tell me what you guys think, thanks!
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    What's the cheapest PH/PPM meter available?

    I'm low on budget and my hanna combo has went to shit. I need a new one that just reads :p for cheap. let me know thanks guys!!!:-P:leaf:
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    2nd grow Lemon Silver Haze, Bubba Kush, Blue Dragon

    transferred the two four inch rockwool cubes to soil and also the two cups into bigger buckets. 2/2 happy frog, ocean forest ... one inch perlite on bottom and one inch on top. how am i doing so far guys?
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    Super Soil Results

    cool i have some of that pro blend, some happy frog, ocean forest and perlite i think that would be good for my mothers :P
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    Super Soil Results

    Ah i c. So what recommendations do you have for veg nutes? Can the 6-8 inch cuts handle the super soil mix at such a young age?
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    Need help going all out!!!!!!!

    dire have you used this mix? And its just straight R.O. water thru-out its whole life? No nutes or additives?
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    Super Soil Results

    Does anyone have a feeding schedule for this super soil mix? And do you guys still feed it nutrients after super soil mix or just water only? Please someone educate me thanks.
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    2nd grow Lemon Silver Haze, Bubba Kush, Blue Dragon

    Aite sounds good. I'll update with pictures asap. I didn't end up going to work this week I'm going to start work next week. :)(
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    Need help going all out!!!!!!!

    not my money not my project :p and i could use the work and money :)
  19. I

    2nd grow Lemon Silver Haze, Bubba Kush, Blue Dragon

    2 big huge rooms and 1 vegging room. Ill have pictures with measurements up soon for some open opinions on what to do. I'm a new grower 1 year experience. First grow was rockwool cubes i didnt flush correctly and locked up the nutes in the rockwool. Learned my lesson... ALWAYS CHECK RUN...
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    Need help going all out!!!!!!!

    So I got some clones today. I got Lemon Silver Haze, Blue Dragon, and Bubba Kush. Temps inside are 78-80degrees and like 50-65humidity. These are going to be the mothers for the project. I'll raise these ladies to like 1.5-2ft before taking it to the project site. I have happy frog, ocean...