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  1. G

    Im Goin' To Negril This Saturday The 4th

    Can anyone tell me what to expect herb wise? My dad made what seemed to be a good point sayin the buds not gonna get much better than we have here (kind). Just wanna hear what ppl who have been say. And how available are mushrooms there?
  2. G

    Is Compost Tea Alone Good Enough in Flower?

    well im a noob trying to go all organic with this first grow, can you share a little wisdom on how to get max yield while still stayin organic?
  3. G

    how did the maxi turn out?

    how did the maxi turn out?
  4. G

    Is Compost Tea Alone Good Enough in Flower?

    im using 2 parts FF OF, one part light warrior...and was wondering if compost te alone would be good enough for flower? gipson3
  5. G

    just checked out your top 69 grow and was curious if you added anything to your ff soil or just...

    just checked out your top 69 grow and was curious if you added anything to your ff soil or just ran it straight
  6. G

    alright thanks bro

    alright thanks bro
  7. G

    can you tell me how your maxi gom grow turned out? ive been looking at this strain a while and...

    can you tell me how your maxi gom grow turned out? ive been looking at this strain a while and was wondering if its like the description says..
  8. G

    Subcool's Super Soil

    is there anyway you could give me a smaller recipe? it would be greatly appreciated, thanks