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  1. Freestyla

    Anything suggest a Hermie with this plant?

    As the dust has already settled, am I only waiting for the fattening into buds for a bigger yield? If I were to smoke some now which I have been, is it looking like it's at full THC potential or does that happen during budding? Also, the small green leaves the dust is on, can you smoke or...
  2. Freestyla

    Anything suggest a Hermie with this plant?

    I might agree about the air movement, I switched off the fan when I thought I had hermies, to prevent pollen being blown around. Anyway, as for watering, why would you suggest that? I'm using the Hempy Bucket method, watering religously ever 2 days and the bucket is just starting to feel a bit...
  3. Freestyla

    Anything suggest a Hermie with this plant?

    Thanks man. So should I be concerned about the crystaline dust on the leaves? I thought this might have been some trichomes. The only prob I've had into flowering was about 4 weeks ago, I snapped the main stem when attempting to bend it over... it appears to have fixed itself and had just...
  4. Freestyla

    Anything suggest a Hermie with this plant?

    Okay so if no buds, does this mean i need to be patient, like waiting another 3-4 weeks? It's currently at 8 weeks 12/12 and around 6-7 weeks flowering.
  5. Freestyla

    Anything suggest a Hermie with this plant?

    First time grow for me and have gone with Super Silver Haze. I've had my mind in lots of different places during the grow, would just like some comments if anyone can see anything in these pics that looks like a Hermie. I can say for sure that I've seen no balls hanging off the stems, however...
  6. Freestyla

    Please can someone help me my plant is 3 weeks into flowering I don't no what's wrong

    When a plant gets stressed like this, is it true it will increase the resin for the buds produced? so these buds might knock you off your feet in potency.. I could be wrong.
  7. Freestyla

    Is this a Male or Female?

    ahhh it's a GIRL, man, couldn't be happier. just gotta make sure that girl doesn't get the idea to grow balls at any stage. thanks guys
  8. Freestyla

    Is this a Male or Female?

    I'm starting to worry by the look of this plant, it's from a Feminised Seed - Super Silver Haze. Can anyone confirm male or female for this?
  9. Freestyla

    Plant in Flowering for 2 weeks, noticed this at the stem, is it a problem??

    Thanks for your help Jagle and preventing me from having a rotting heart attack 8) The medium is holding lots of moisture, I think due to the amount or Vermiculite, so potentially this will be an every 3 day water.
  10. Freestyla

    Plant in Flowering for 2 weeks, noticed this at the stem, is it a problem??

    Just a quick question, now that she is flowering, I'm growing in a hempy bucket with 60% Perlite/40% Vermiculite, should I be watering every 2nd or 3rd day or still waiting for the medium is feel dry? Don't want to upset the flowering process, hope someone can help.
  11. Freestyla

    Plant in Flowering for 2 weeks, noticed this at the stem, is it a problem??

    The stem coming out of the medium has what looks like a little browning/not smooth look and thought it might be the beginning of a fungus.
  12. Freestyla

    Plant in Flowering for 2 weeks, noticed this at the stem, is it a problem??

    I've been known to panic many times during this 1st grow and well, heres another one put down to a panic attack... can't wait to survive this 1st grow with some tasty smoke and not be so strung the next time round. sorry guys!
  13. Freestyla

    Plant in Flowering for 2 weeks, noticed this at the stem, is it a problem??

    Just noticed this on the stem of my SSH, can anyone tell me if I should be worried about stem rot or is this normal? The plant is growing well, looks healthy, flowering underway and just checking if this is a concern.
  14. Freestyla

    Lower Leaves Brown Spots and Newer Leaves Slight Curling, Upwards Growth Okay, Help!

    Hey sparka, thanks for reassuring me. With the foliar spray, I've only got the FloraGro and will do it now, do I only spray the underside of the leaves or the tops also? Also, noticed some roots hovering about 1 inch under the surface of the perlite/vermiculite medium, this is normal I guess...
  15. Freestyla

    Lower Leaves Brown Spots and Newer Leaves Slight Curling, Upwards Growth Okay, Help!

    Some more updated pics, the spotting of leaves doesn't seem as bad, now I'm worried that the leaves look like they are canoeing and appear droopy. I've removed some dead leaves from the bottom to clean things up. Upped the nutes again, this time - MicroGro 7.5mL, Micro 5.0mL and Bloom 2.5mL in...
  16. Freestyla

    Lower Leaves Brown Spots and Newer Leaves Slight Curling, Upwards Growth Okay, Help!

    Yes got it from the hydro shop. The General Hydroponics Flora series is just for other mediums like perlite, coco it's not for dirt. Just has different feeding schedules and closest to the hempy bucket I would guess is DRW. Either way, looking even better today, this passive hydro thing is good...
  17. Freestyla

    Lower Leaves Brown Spots and Newer Leaves Slight Curling, Upwards Growth Okay, Help!

    Using 60/40 Perlite/Vermiculite, what's this about dirt?? Is it the wrong schedule i'm following for hempy, out of recirculating & DRW? Should I up the nutes or only if it shows any other probs?
  18. Freestyla

    Lower Leaves Brown Spots and Newer Leaves Slight Curling, Upwards Growth Okay, Help!

    Here are some updated pics of the little one, should I be happy? I'm currently using the Drain to Waste Flora Schedule at Mild Growth, do I need to consider upping again to the Growth schedule which would mean upping the Micro & Gro? Do I have anything else I need to take care of for now?
  19. Freestyla

    Lower Leaves Brown Spots and Newer Leaves Slight Curling, Upwards Growth Okay, Help!

    Sparka, you're a legend man. Came home tonight, not sure what to expect. the plant looks like it's pepped up and grown up lots since I've been away for 12 hours. The curling on the new leaves is minimal, would it really work this fast just from upping the FloraGro nutes? I can't believe it...
  20. Freestyla

    Lower Leaves Brown Spots and Newer Leaves Slight Curling, Upwards Growth Okay, Help!

    Guys, all of you thanks for your help. Last night I have upped the nutes but only the FloraGro. I just realised I've been giving the amount as advised in the Recirculating guide and not the run to waste. It says to give 1.5mL of each in 1 Gallon (3.7 litres) from Seedling, I've already been...