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  1. G

    Trimming Question

    i've defoliated one of my 4 plants completely in flower and left 3 others with fan leaves, only trimming 2-3 fingers off each fan leaf to expose the lower buds, the plant that was defoliated (except for the top 3-4 fan leafs on the main cola) is yeilding just as much smoke and growth as the...
  2. G

    The 250watt club

    i grew 5 plants in 2 gallon buckets perfectly fine in my setup, had 1 male that i removed but the 4 females were LSTED 7 inches to the rim of the bucket(10 in diameter), then i let them grow up to 6 inches and then started flower, the tallest female got to about 36 inches with a 10 inch tall...
  3. G

    Plants 3 days under a 250w mh, lightening to more yellow, is this normal?

    I'm new to growin and all 5 of my plants have been a deep green under 355w of cfl for the last 3 weeks, i just recently got a 250w mh/hps and 3 days under the new light the plants seem to be yellowing lightening up in color, is this normal? the light is 7 inches away from them as well but...
  4. G

    Should I remove small tops?

    Well i dont plan on defoliating again i did it so i could LST better because it was thick, lol i just watered yesterday i typically water every 3-4 days when most of the soil is dry this is some middi bag seed so it most likely wont look the best i also stressed them early since i had them...
  5. G

    Should I remove small tops?

    heres the pics i planned on leaving them but wasnt sure, also defoliated about a week ago these tops are about 4 days old
  6. G

    Should I remove small tops?

    I topped my plant for 4 tops and this is my first time growin, I managed to get the 4 tops but in the LST phase I accidently broke 1 of the 4 tops so I removed it the plant now has 3 main tops, but now it has a few small tops developing in the middle of the main top branch, should I leave these...