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  1. F

    Double tap root?

    I had one do the same thing but I started them in a damp napkin so I seperated them. They are doing fine but one is alot smaller than the other but they already have their 3rd set of leaves. I'll post a pic as soon as I can.
  2. F

    Super Soil Total Cost Calculated

    I do try and find my answers before I post a question so I guess thats my answer. I went ahead and added more lime to each of the 3 55 gal garbage cans and will re mix in two weeks just to be sure it gets mixed in well. I will then let it sit for two more weeks and take a small amount and flood...
  3. F

    Super Soil Total Cost Calculated

    From what I have read I should add lime and test the PH until desired levels but with every action there is a reaction (Like mixing SS Stoned) so don't want to add anything until I know for sure.
  4. F

    Super Soil Total Cost Calculated

    Not being cheap or anything but that would cost like $900.00. To bad it wasn't an extra bag of Roots or something.
  5. F

    Super Soil Total Cost Calculated

    Sub I just got finished mixing a batch of SS and f#*k'd up on the epson salt and added 3 cups instead of 3/4 cups is there anything I should / can do to correct it?