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  1. G

    unknown stem eater

    thanks marl
  2. G

    unknown stem eater

    this is my forth letal seedling caused by unknown problems ,i have few of sativa planted organics left on attic after another 3 are eating by rats 2 weeks ago, i guess,because ,they are ruined and mess up around the dirt , but the other one are just like being cut at the lower stem this...
  3. G

    Seedlings' Leaves are Turning Yellow & Brown

    same here but mine r posibiliteies of poisoned by vit b
  4. G

    mineral residu ,mold,or fungus?

    thanks tich ,yeah they seem all right now just a litle ugly spot make them a litle unprety
  5. G

    mineral residu ,mold,or fungus?

    i got couple of sumatran pure sativa;-) almost 2 week old ,i plant them from seed,skylight sun,unsterilized bag soil,never check any ph,couples of days ago, since their start to grow their third nodes and seems a litle slow to me ,idecided to nute them, soil with growmore high nitro(blue)and...
  6. G

    Circle Leaves? Could it be?

    heyyyy does it even weed hahaha, are yyou guys telling my round seedling was a canabis shit its late im destroy it kk. welll nice leafes, as long as shes cooking a lot thc i dont give a damm even shes rectangular
  7. G

    root blocked by shell

    all right guys hope shes manage thanks alot
  8. G

    root blocked by shell

    hi green ,yes but this seed didnt sprout at all, while the 2 are look tall and healthy,sativa,she just lying with her short tail,headed toward wrong direction of a shell not the open door,in my logical thought shel be ran out of energy bfore it can break it,or make turn
  9. G

    root blocked by shell

    start decomposing (many worms,at bottom shell),so i lift it and the shell fell off directly,onli closing cotyl all i can see .look nothing unusual,aand i put it in a soil,litle rough cause the root prety short,and soil is too lose,ihave to hold it several times,sterilized doubt, and should i...
  10. G

    root blocked by shell

    i germ my seed 3 of them at one pot ,2 seed already sprout and rising ,but the other one ,its almost 3 days , i can see her just stalled there with the open shel and litle tap root,after i look closely look like the root blocked by its own shell,and she looks like start to decay:confused...
  11. G

    I Need Help! Idk What's Wrong?

    soo i bet a g she live,transforming 2 a lady
  12. G

    Does It Even Weed First Set of Leaves

    soo saad ,well thank you guys ill post another seed riot,later kkk
  13. G

    are u ol can u help me with my thread

    are u ol can u help me with my thread
  14. G

    Does It Even Weed First Set of Leaves

    sory low there it is the pics,im sory tell me more bout humus,why is that,i think i need a litle help for my poor soil,so i think thats a good idea
  15. G

    Does It Even Weed First Set of Leaves

    live in total tropic, skylight attic,15 watt blue incandescent:roll:seedling unknown,i have many with years of age seedling from many local dealers,serated look unclear but i think its forming litle,sory for bad quality pics,soil unsterilized backgarden,npk granule nutie and something blue...