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  1. K

    Diy Custom CFL Growlight

    way cool fixtures... did you make those urself? how?
  2. K

    What's better than Botanicare Pure Blend Pro for Soil?

    what don't you like about the pbp... why the desire to switch? I think the botanicare stuff is great, its what i use. I am curious about the advanced nutes but the botanicare is semi organic... what about adv stuff?
  3. K

    its prolly too late but what did i do wrong

    thanks geetee
  4. K


    those cfls should be like 2 to 4 inches off the tops... if ya got the hps at 8 inches you do know that the cfls can be closer
  5. K

    its prolly too late but what did i do wrong

    it never got over 84 in the box and averaged between 78 and 81 but i don't understand kelvin temps versus regular old temps. is it way overkill to have a 1k lite in a box where i have only 56 inches from the bottom of the aircooled hood to the flood tray... thats the hood at it very highest point
  6. K

    its prolly too late but what did i do wrong

    what did i do wrong... 4X4X4.5 grow box with an ebb and flow system and a 1000wt HPS.. I think the lite is too close but do not know for sure. I'm at day 55 and the strain is pineapple kush. any thoughts?
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    but letting them flower past the time when the trichs are ripe causes the overall potency to decline. Correct?
  8. K

    autoflower... what is it?

    Thankyou easyrider23 i think i got ahold of this now
  9. K

    autoflower... what is it?

    so if you flower at 18/6 and never switch... does that mean bigger and more buds with autoflowering strains? because they get 50% more photoperiod time? this i gotta see. are these strains any good? how long has this been around?
  10. K

    autoflower... what is it?

    wow thanks for all of that speedy feedback I actually googled it an got this: So what is auto-flowering? Auto-flowering characteristic grants a cannabis plant the ability to completely flower without the need for reduction of day-light hours; in turn, eliminating the need for a timer. It will...
  11. K

    Please Help. Noob of all Noobs

    Is this in a closet? I would paint flat white and ditch the foil but if your renting and painting isnt a option, then pat man is right... get the mylar
  12. K

    autoflower... what is it?

    Can someone explain what autoflower means... whats the difference between that and femminized seeds? does this site have a glossary? Any help would be great thanx
  13. K

    wasps in my tent,help...

    only canabis pollen can fuk you up. other pollens carried in by wasps are just inert to your sweeties
  14. K

    1000W hps/mh or 1000W hps and 400W mh??

    You have to be shrewd and really check stuff out but where i live CL is phenomenal for grow stuff most of it used for one cycle only. i dont no if they get their first electric bill and freak out or they just do one cycle and say to themselves "this isnt for me!" but its mostly a buyers market...
  15. K

    My 1st BubblePonics

    Nice gro room GH, been lurking for a little while now. as a complete noob i have to ask... what does SFV stand for?
  16. K

    $900 Electric Bill

    bottom line is, there is something you can do to minimize YOUR risk in this endevour, GET LEGAL, PRONTO! like yesterday!!! then if popped, they might just take the plants that exceed the county guidelines for quanitty. btw, i live in nor cal and run 1 1ooowt lite and all the associated fans...
  17. K

    Has Anyone ever used mushrooms to generate CO2 indoors?

    hey SFBonvivant - I am so glad that you asked this question as i see this ad on craigslist all the time and I thought it could be perfect for my 4X4X7 Grow Cab.
  18. K

    Cabinet Build & Questions

    No man, you should do at least the 75 watt bulb, as well as some extra cfl's if you can, and document your grow so we'll alll know the answer to your question. btw, why are you so limited to no more than 75 watts?