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  1. S

    Week 6 flower. help!!!

    ph is at 6.2 ppms are at like 1000 im using GH Flora series nutes. and liquid koolbloom and floralicious plus. Also the 29% h202. Temp is around 67f in the reservoir. The room temp is usually around 75-78f. They feed every couple of hours for about an hr. Not a real heavy feeding. Its a light...
  2. S

    Week 6 flower. help!!!

    ok so its like 6 weeks into flowering. my roots still look like shit but my ladies are still budding nicely. however, my lemon haze looks all kinds of fucked up at the top. what can i do to fix this?
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    Mixing Organic and Non-organic nutrient formulas?

    well ya i was just needin a little root boost for my ladies and rapidstart is expensive. so i went with bioroot to add to the the simple GH nutrient mix. I figured it wouldn't matter.
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    Mixing Organic and Non-organic nutrient formulas?

    Hey is it ok to mix organic nutes with non organic nutes?
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    First grow. Flower week 4. Update

    thanks for the comments everyone. and i know it looks a bit more mature than it is but trust me its just the 5th week now actually. they've been growing for about 3 months since seed. I've had all kinds of problems from overheating due to broken a/c. root rot. humidity issues. nutrient burn...
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    First grow. Flower week 4. Update

    Thanks guys! I will be postin updates frequently. Happy growin!!!
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    First grow. Flower week 4. Update

    So thanks to a few members on here my plants are startin to do better. i posted a couple days ago about a bad case of root rot and some yellow leaves. Everything seems to be recovering nicely. Here's an update on my ladies. Sour diesel. Lemon Haze. And a bag seed that I'm pretty sure is Island...
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    first grow. week 4 of flowering. HELP!!!!!

    i did that. got my fingers crossed :) thanks dude. hopefully it pays off and my ladies thrive.
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    first grow. week 4 of flowering. HELP!!!!!

    i will do that. thanks! i've been meaning to cover it up. i used to have a smaller reservoir that was dark navy blue that i started with. I hope it saves em.
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    first grow. week 4 of flowering. HELP!!!!!

    yes i have a constant monitoring trimeter. I have a couple air stones in the reservoir. this is obviously a drip system. I currently feed them every 2 hrs for like 15 or 20 minutes at a time. is this too much? too little? my ph usually stays at 6.1 to 6.2. I've read different Ph levels...
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    first grow. week 4 of flowering. HELP!!!!!

    i do still feed them nitrogen tho. Its in the floramicro and floragro nutrients. I just have reduced the nitrogen significantly. i will add more and see if that helps tho.
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    first grow. week 4 of flowering. HELP!!!!!

    gotcha. wat about the black spots on some of the leaves? and the fucked up roots? any suggestions?
  13. S

    Give me the confirm signal and i will chop off the balls of these hermi

    well i know it sucks, but you gotta get that hermi away from the other plants if u have any others. it'll ruin your crop if ur lookin for a sensemilla grow. You will get seeds and the potency will go down considerably. I just pulled my sensi star. it smelled and looked so good, but them balls...
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    first grow. week 4 of flowering. HELP!!!!!

    Ok so i posted about my problems with my plants a couple days ago. turns out this actually week 4 of flower not week 3. Not a big deal. anyways here are the pics of what is goin on. i got some yellow leaves. got nice green leaves where the tips are growing downwards. i got a couple leaves with...
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    First Grow. Week 3 of Flowering. Concerns...

    Ya. I know about the light and takin pics obviously everything looks yellow. I'm not terribly worried about yellowing leaves because there aren't too many showing yellow. main concern is leaves like folding in half long ways and then the tips curling downward. I'll take some better pics of this...
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    First Grow. Week 3 of Flowering. Concerns...

    Ok so here's another update on my first grow. everything is looking good. had to pull one plant of 4 because it was a male. I also just have one question and if anyone can clear it up thatd be awesome. why are the tips of the leaves curling downward? not all of them but quite a few of them are...
  17. S

    When flowering is it ok to trim...

    OK so I'm about a week into flowering and i was wondering if its ok to trim my plants? There's a lot of foliage that needs to be taken care of so light can get through. Any suggestions?
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    So they almsot died....

    haha rite! naw i learned a shit ton so far. The next grow will be better i'm sure. but for now. this first grow is lookin magnificent. It smells to dankilicious! the sour d is already budding and looks superb!
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    So they almsot died....

    They are doing wonderfully now. Just had to baby them for a week or so. Initiated flowering today. can't wait to see what how they turn out.
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    So they almsot died....

    So my four babies about died. 3 of them seem to be recovering nicely but the sensi star not so much. I was supposed to be flowering this coming week but my dumbass self decided to change from drip system to aeroponic. put my babies in shock and they all just droop over. Then the ac goes out and...