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  1. superknoty

    1st time Shroom Grower .. please help and check out my plan guys

    why I can not start my new line or space on my post T_T
  2. superknoty

    1st time Shroom Grower .. please help and check out my plan guys

    Questions 1. Does jar size will affect my mushrooms grow rate and health?. Due to more jar quantity will give more space to put in brown rice and stuff so which mean more nutrition for mycelium to grow? 2. Should I pre sterilize my cake compounds by microwave them for one minute before mixing...
  3. superknoty

    1st time Shroom Grower .. please help and check out my plan guys

    Terrarium I am planning to spate each cake to sets and put in terrarium but the key in this design is I have plan to put O3 generator to purify water and air in my terrarium due to O3 will kill any things in term of airborne and germ . As my diagram and put in to the
  4. superknoty

    1st time Shroom Grower .. please help and check out my plan guys

    Incubation process After I finish injecting spores to jars I will simply put the entire jar in air tight container box which has been clean with rubbing alcohol. Then cover them with garbage bags I am thinking to cover them with two layer of garbage bag with each of the will be seal with rubber...
  5. superknoty

    1st time Shroom Grower .. please help and check out my plan guys

    Cake Compound = This is recipe that I will use for cake compound For 240 ml jar =3/4vermiculite, ¼ brown rice flour, ¼ distill water But I am thinking about pre sterilize all of compound by put each of the in to microware about one minutes before and after mixing and put it in to jars.
  6. superknoty

    1st time Shroom Grower .. please help and check out my plan guys

    My preparation Plan Jars and jar lids Well is quite worries me so much due to difficulty to get my hands on canning jars so I decide to use normal regular jars with rubber coat around jar lid . I plan to use this to grow my cake out of it But before I put to sterilize in pressure...
  7. superknoty

    1st time Shroom Grower .. please help and check out my plan guys

    Hi guy … I am new here. I never try mushroom before in my entire life but due to many of peoples recommend that I should take one cause it might give me idea or image that deep inside of my mind hallucinate and you know give me some answer or help me with many obstacle that I had been face with...
  8. superknoty

    Have anyone herd or try to order seed from this www I am new here looking for seed supplier that could supply me quality strain thx
  9. superknoty

    LED's.Are They Worth the Money?

    Can you guys please help with my new LED lamp design please .. I really do need help for this
  10. superknoty

    Please help about seleting LED to make growing lamp for hyro

    UP date Now I have change from 1 w led to 3 wat led that will contain 60 of blue and 60 of red, -For growing space that I will grow my 16 pant is around .8 meter x 2 meter x 3 meter (W x N x H) please note that 3 meter is the maxmum height for plant. During growing stage lamp can be...
  11. superknoty

    Please help about seleting LED to make growing lamp for hyro

    any help is type of LED will works fins as grow lamp?
  12. superknoty

    Please help about seleting LED to make growing lamp for hyro

    Oh this is Data sheet for LED that I will use, 1) Blue - 2) Red - Thanks again for your help . I am very new to LED growing and this is my first crop for LED . :)
  13. superknoty

    Please help about seleting LED to make growing lamp for hyro

    Hi Guy I am now working on my new hydroponic room which will grow 16 plants when it done. I looking foreword to use LED for growing this crops due to lower energy consumption and heat, So I decide that I will use around 100 of Power LED which will contain 60 of blue and 40 of red . I have done...
  14. superknoty

    yo what 's up man

    yo what 's up man
  15. superknoty

    Noop cannabis butter

    next moring , I made my brakfast peanutbutter with cherrey jam sanwishes, I ate it on very empty stomaces after I ate around 30 mins I fell a minds buzz and it last around 15 mins but I expect to get more of high feeling like I smoke ... did I do some thing wrong or it becuase just me because I...
  16. superknoty

    Noop cannabis butter

    6 hr boiled color dark grren it looks like it burning in pic but trust me it not smells like sweet popcorn butter to me, Ithem I pour them in to jar thorght white thin sheet close the lide and put in freezer liquid's color like dark jade , really can't wait
  17. superknoty

    Noop cannabis butter

    at 3 hrs boiled looks gold with tiny bit green
  18. superknoty

    Noop cannabis butter

    Oh man I would said this is my first butter that I do arcording to the book, any how I have try to use recipes arcording to one of my book that I owned "Pot culture" by shirly halperin and steve bloom any how the book said cannabis butter use around 7 g of weed per 200 g of butter so I...
  19. superknoty

    which one is easier soil or hydro

    hmm because my biggest problems right now is temperature and ph controll so I think hydro might better yes?
  20. superknoty

    which one is easier soil or hydro

    ok I'm use to grow my plants with soil but it's always turn out awfu so do you think hydro is much mre easier for me to grow:weed: