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    Used Physan 20 and now my plants look sick and limp

    Ouch.....not the answer I was looking for! Anybody else know CPR for plants and their roots?
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    Used Physan 20 and now my plants look sick and limp

    So, I had an issue with some light beige scum growing in the water in my DWC buckets. I asked around about it and wanted to knock it out, so I was led to the use of physan 20. Well, I used it and let my plants soak in a solution of water and physan 20 for about 8 hrs. Now, my plants look...
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    Benefits to flowering a young plant?

    pretty impressive for 12-12 from seed!!! And that was from an actual seed and not a clone!? Thats cool! Thanks for sharing!
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    H202 for removing salts/nutrient build up from roots

    Thank you legallyflying! I knew someone around here had to have the right #'s!
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    H202 for removing salts/nutrient build up from roots

    Thanks for the response. I know that H2o2 is commonly used for removing bacterial take overs and cleaning the roots on plants. Just wondering if there was a X/gal formula for getting the job done safely.
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    H202 for removing salts/nutrient build up from roots

    Hi, I need to flush out the nutrients from my roots in my B.B.'s. Just wondering how much hydrogen peroxide to use per gallon??? How long do you think it necessary to keep the H202 / H20 mix percolating in the buckets before I could safely consider my roots unlocked/ clean from salts <etc.> ??
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    Benefits to flowering a young plant?

    someone told me that flowering a younger plant (2 weeks) will produce tighter denser this true? I've been waiting for my plants to get rather large (1 month +) before budding. Is this a mistake? Also, I had pretty sparse (not dense) buds with my last grow, but I attributed it to high...
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    Problems with res algae and scum

    Thank you for your input!! I just got done cleaning out the res and making sure (via bleach) that it was absolutely clean of any bacteria that may have been in the plastic. I replaced the Liquid Karma with another like ingredient .... we'll see how that goes!!! Just did that last night and so...
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    Nutrient PPM's climbing by them selves in bubble buckets?

    I'm using FF Big grow, Big Bloom, Cha Ching and General hydroponics floralicious and molasses for the sweetner.
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    Nutrient PPM's climbing by them selves in bubble buckets?

    Hi all! Have a little question on nutrients. I'm running Bubble Buckets and have a res that is all setup for topping off the buckets when they run low. Here is the mistery: So, I have a few plants that drink up to damn near 2 gallons a day and need to be kept topped off or filled up. I...
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    Problems with res algae and scum

    Thanks for all the input!!! I greatly appreciate it! How much H2O2 should I put in the buckets or res per/ gal ???
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    Problems with res algae and scum

    Thank you for that... I've had the bottle for about 5 months or so and it has NOT been kept in a dark cool place. The molasses is fairly new. But, yes, mine smells horrible! Only had it in the res for a couple days and it turned on me... this is the second time (res change) this happened to me...
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    Problems with res algae and scum

    So, I am running BB's and have a main resivoir setup for topping off my buckets when needed. However, I'm running into issues with the res water turning really gross and nasty smelling. I don't know which ingredient it is thats causing the problem, or if it might just be temperature. So... I...