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  1. N

    150w hps

    for a space that small use a cfl for sure.. multipul small ones or get a 125w...
  2. N

    First grow 4x nirvana short Ryder

    uhhhh yea.. u really need to get a better exhaust for that setup if your light is too hot.. or switch to CFL or LED lighting.. less heat.. less wattage.. might help you out.. 30 degrees is too hot .. maby try connecting an air conditioner to the intake for the tent? heard of it being done to...
  3. N

    what to do with waste?

    theres a few options.. if you have a very small space or not many plants, there isnt much sense in saving the lesser parts of the plant IMho.. but I would say for anyone with a decent amount of "waste.. make hash.. tea, cooking butter, or oil extracts.. it takes a lot of waste to make it worth...
  4. N

    First Grow Closet Fluro Bubblicious Fem.

    just so you know.. lumens are not compounded when you add more bulbs of the same calibur.. ie.. 2 bulbs putting out 1000 lumens each is still 1000 lumnens.. it is a measure of light intensity and only by increasing the wattage of a CFL or halo will increase the lumen output.. you need roughly...
  5. N


    i run 125w cfl's, 8,950 lumens $65 (sunblasters) .. they do not pose much of a problem for heat.. keep air circulating.. so long as your climate is not too warm you should be fine..
  6. N

    Whats your favorite drug cocktail?

    3 gel caps mdma dissolved into a mickey of fireball or jager... ketamine.. yayer.. bag o kush.. maybe some buddder for bedtime..
  7. N

    Big buds, not filling in..

    kind of thought so.. just needed to hear it from someone else.. i dont mind playing the waiting game if the end result is a nice crop. I will try for pics tomorrow
  8. N

    Big buds, not filling in..

    I havent had a good look at the trichs in a few days, but they were not clouding much yet.. 20% hairs browning..
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    Big buds, not filling in..

    cypress the mountain?
  10. N

    Big buds, not filling in..

    is that a real phenotype for purple haze? i dont know much about the strain.. if it really is a thin growing plant then I am lucky for its current state? the plant is within range for sure.. all tops within 16" of the light..
  11. N

    Big buds, not filling in..

    I tried to keep her short.. at 3ft she was tripped into bud and grew to 7 ft over the last 7 weeks.. The only reason she still fits in the closet is I have tied her down a bit to keep the buds back from the light.
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    Big buds, not filling in..

    I have new lighting on the way.. now about this pesky thin bud.. Is there something i can do to get it to fill in?
  13. N

    Big buds, not filling in..

    OK, so I have a purple haze lady standing 7ft in a closet with 400w hps. It has been in bud for 7 weeks and is beautiful. big 8-10 inch colas 2+ inches thick.. BUT!!!! they are not filling in.. they are big bushy, yet thin buds.. if i dried them as they are they would shrivel into nothing...