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  1. K

    {Beginner} Supercloset Superbox Journal - pineapple chunk

    heres a pic from my 1st grow, theyre drying right now. Got cuts from great genetics..
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    Help! Spilt gognats on cola!

    i accidently spilt gognats on a couple of my flowers, they are past 8 weeks, im gonna chop them after 10 weeks. its kinda hard to clean, and i feel like im just doing more damage to the buds, does anyone know what i can do about this? should i try cleaning it more? will it cause budrot? should i...
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    good job reefer, your on top of your game arent you? supercropping, weights, lst, topping.. ur doing it all! keep up the good work man i hope we both have some nice harvests
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    yo reefer, ive been having height issues with mine, a pro grower told me to super crop the top of my branches and they will heal towards the light very quickly, but it will slow down the stretching for sure, you should super crop all of your tops, but very gently.. dont let the water get out...
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    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    so hows it going? are they still getting taller? did u harvest yet?
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    LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

    sorry i stopped updating this journal because i cant post pics, im almost 3 weeks into flowering and its looking nice!
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    LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

    i think they just look white in this pic, they are really yellow and alot of the roots fell off and died. i cant wait to check the plants later i hope they are alright. im still contimplating getting hygrozyme
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    im liking what im seeing dude, i posted the pics of my root problems on my thread so u can see it there if you want. keep it up dude i hope you get some killer buds!
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    LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

    i have the same air pump that came with the superbox, same blue airstones also. my ppm is around 800. so this is day 9 of 12/12, only the tahoes are preflowers, the bubbalarrys arent really. thats suprising cuz the tahoes seem to have the most root damage. ive still been adding 3% peroxide and i...
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    i think i know what your talking about, those arent preflowers. soon youll see some calyx with pistils sticking out... this thread might be helpful to you i hope everything goes well with your grow!! im...
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    thanks dude, i just finished 7th day of flowering and there is still some stretching going on, some of the plants havent started preflowering yet so im just trying to be patient. im planning on picking up some aquashield hopefully tomorrow, i hope i can mix it with the h2o2 ive been adding...
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    thanks alot reefer thats much appreciated! its always cool to meet other helpful growers, ive learned everything i know by reading information that other growers posted, and answered for other newbs like myself. its awesome to join the community haha.. now im not gonna be asking questions on...
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    LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

    thanks man, i just finished 6th day of 12/12 light cycle and the brown stuff in my reservoir is getting gross. i have a feeling its causing some stunt growth and root rot, it was also causing my ph to drop alot. so i just added some h2o2 and i noticed the ph going back up alot. the plants have...
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    3 White Widow DWC lots of pics!

    wow nice job, is this your first grow with the superbox? im on my first grow with it and im loving it, just having some pythium probs and root rot which was causing ph to drop, and they just finished 6th day of 12/12 so i added some h2o2 and the ph started rising lol. so if your having any...
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    LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

    okay so theyve been in 12/12 for 2 days.. did i start too early? here are a few pics i took today..
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    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    thanks for that info bluezdude, very interesting! i just started flowering cycle yesterday for my first grow so im gonna save that link... elpig44, you should definitely check out that link. anyway i hope all is well, cant wait to see the harvest!
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    LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

    this is my 1st grow and im using a superbox from supercloset, its about 2.5 feet tall so i have to flower almost right away.. im just making this thread because i like to see other growers journals and also to keep track of my progress and get help/learn from more experienced growers. i got 5...
  18. K

    Fist Grow Journal - SuperBox, CFL Light , Hydroponic, Tangerine Dream

    sweet! when you harvest ur suppose to check with a hand scope or loupe if your trichomes are cloudy/amber. if they are still clear they need to be flowered more, when they are cloudy i heard they are in their prime, if they are amber they are almost too mature. you want almost all cloudy...
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    Help, not sure whats going on with these clones

    i got 5 clones, 3 bubba larrys and 2 tahoes. i put them in my new dwc setup on wednesday and now its saturday night. they have grown nice roots but the plants havent changed much, but the leaves became very droopy. sometimes they look a little less droopy but they are still pretty droopy. but it...