Search results

  1. Higzy

    Chris Goodwin fired from Vapor Central?

    I too heard that. Apparently, he was fired from Vapor Central for somehow gaining access on the computer or computers at work to accounts of fellow employees at VC. I have no evidence of this taking place, only what a close friend who frequents VC had told me a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't sure...
  2. Higzy

    Fuck Greenhouse Seed Company!!

    I was hoping Arjan and Franco would have gotten swallowed up by crocodiles or abducted and tortured while on one of their land race raping expeditions, but alas, it never happened. They remain free to rape and pillage. Greed House Horse Shit... Those ass hats payed to win those cannabis cups. I...
  3. Higzy

    Proper way to grow single cola plants

    "in a 4x4 room youll need 800 watts minimum to grow 6-8 plants." And with that single sentence = Any cred you may have had (lol! as if...) is shot through the stratosphere and far out into an oblivion of nothingness. I'd prefer to believe you're trolling because the only other reasonable...
  4. Higzy

    why have my buds stopped growing

    "This has to be a joke.....eleven weeks flowering. My dog ate my notes? Don't know the strain?" 1) I read your comment 2) I looked over at your thumbnail 3) I just about fell out of my chair laughing Verdict: If that ain't a troll, I do believe growing plants might not be his forte...just a hunch.
  5. Higzy

    big bud secrets

    A different light other than HPS such as CFL or LED? Bwahahahaha! Worst advice EVER.
  6. Higzy

    Will I get small pants if I put them in 1 gallon pots?

    Bahahahahaha! You beat me to it. Damn. :D
  7. Higzy

    what makes the best mother plant?seed or clone

    Bahahaha! That was the most sound response given on this thread. Most comical as well. Thanks for the lulz, and for stating facts. If any of these hobby growers would have just Googled the word "clone" it would be understood (you would think)...then again, some folks feel a need to spread...
  8. Higzy

    best boosters for soil....

    4 years - long time to wait for a response, but better (VERY) late than never, so, here goes... The absolute best bud booster I have used is made by a friend and (sadly) he will not share his secret recipe. One thing I can say about it for sure -- the results correlate perfectly with his 3...
  9. Higzy

    would autoflowers hermie if they were getting light during the dark period?

    "you could grow them on 24/7 if needed." --- That's not the question he asked. Why must you n00bz insist on answering such delicate questions without having the actual knowledge/experience to back it up? Simple rule of thumb - If you do NOT know, do NOT respond. Simples. Peace
  10. Higzy

    Single Cola Grow Journal (Round 2)

    Nice, but you didn't answer the question - "What is the strain"? Don't bother. I have already lost interest. Byeee :)
  11. Higzy

    12/12 under CFLS after 4 weeks of veg

    Not if you know what you're doing. Obviously, YOU do not know what you are talking about. Do your research first, then you may comment as someone knowledgeable without making yourself look like such a tard just as you have done here. Simple rule of thumb: If you do not know the answers, shut...
  12. Higzy

    12/12 under CFLS after 4 weeks of veg

    @dancingshrooms: "Who said you can g 12/12 from seed to finish?" I say so, and I have done so many times, and with great success. It is YOU who is misinformed, but even more sad, is the fact that you argue saying it cannot be done. Giving bad advice and all. Guys like you pretend to know what...
  13. Higzy

    How can i effectively shield myself from thermal scanning?

    "Zero thermal radiation". Fk the police. Legalise.
  14. Higzy

    Thermal imaging

    "Zero thermal radiation". Fk the police. Legalise
  15. Higzy

    Thermal imaging

    How many joints can you get out of a plant under 75 watts? ^Purely rhetorical.
  16. Higzy

    Bigger the pot, bigger the yield??

    I agree 100%. Fox Farm products are MASSIVELY over-hyped. In my experience using FF soil, and nutes, I found that my plants did a whole lot better in Pro-Mix BX soiless, and without a doubt - my Botanicare line of nutrients outperformed FF nutrients. 4 plants (all of them Sour Kush), 2 were...
  17. Higzy

    Growing auto flowers for that big yield.

    Aw c'mon man! Look at his plants, consider he is only using T5s, which are pretty good, but if what he is claiming is true (it is not true), they would be out-performing a 600 watt HPS. light. Been growing 16 years, and I can say with great certainty, what he is claiming is absolutely NOT true...
  18. Higzy

    Growing auto flowers for that big yield.

    Sounds (and looks) like a crock to me. That much bud from an autoflower under T5s is but a dream. End of.
  19. Higzy

    Growing auto flowers for that big yield.

    4-5 ounces per plant, grown under T5s?!?! I'm calling BS on that one. Pics, or it didn't happen.
  20. Higzy

    Best yielding Autoflower strain?

    --- Why would anyone switch their lighting schedule to 12/12 for an Autoflower??? That's ridiculous. It's an autoflower, hello!? In my experience with several different autoflower strains, a lighting schedule of 20/4 is what autoflower responds best to.