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    I have no clue!!??

    Higher your lights!
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    Slight brown marks on leaves

    To answer my question i think its burning of leaves caused by lights being too low, doh, i should have relaised that:roll:
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    Slight brown marks on leaves

    Just noticed a few leaves on my plants have got brown edges on leaves, there is maybe 1 or 2 leaves on each plant that are like this so i checked my ph and it was a bit low, is this caused by low ph or is it something else
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    Anyone else using The Autopot Systems (Smart-Valve)

    I use these now and use half strength nutes till they get a decent size, then i have it at about 1.4 till i start to flower, then i go up to about 1.7, good results every time
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    How long before clones take root?

    cloning is the easiest thing in the world to do
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    UK Changing Law To Islam

    Im english and this makes me angry, the poice are more bothered about people who grow a plant that whebn smoked makes people happy than they are about catching illegal immigrants, there was a story in the paper the other day about a muslim man who is married to 11 women and he claims social...
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    Attention: Ebb And Flow Growers

    I used to use this method and like yourself i flooded every 8 hours, i used a weak nute mixture and added more as the ladies got biggar, had some excellent results:hump:
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    First time grower....rockwool ??

    You need to close the hole up mate, this makes the seed think its underground in darkness
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    Here we go again

    Add some olive oil to some bug spray, spray the underside of the leaves, the oil makes the leaves slippery and doesnt harm your plants
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    Bubbleponics problem

    Root rot maybe, try feeding on PH balanced water for about 5 days
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    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    Lower the Ph to 5.8/5.9, and it could be a sign of over feeding
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    (Pics) wierd big single leaves.

    Some strains do this at the early growth stage, my blueberrys did this but it never did it with just the 1 leaf, it was 2 or 3 leaves, as they got bigger they went back to normal:hump:
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    Hydroponics verses soli

    Ive been growing for 5 years with hydroponics systems for a good few years now and im now considering turning to the coco soil method, are the end results the same as in yeild ect ect?
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    Hydroponics verses soli

    Ive been growing for 5 years with hydroponics systems for a good fre years now and im now considering turning to coco soil method, are the end results the same as in yeild?
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    how do you tell when clones have rooted???!

    To root cuttings i simply dip the cuttings in rooting gell, then insert them in a damp rockwool plug, i then put them in a none heated propergator and leave them on top of a wardrobe in the spare room, they are situated about 18 inches of the light fitting on the ceiling, no fancy equipment...
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    changing food

    Iknow i have to change my nutes to go int flowering mode mate, but what i mean is, is it ok to swich from one kind of nutrition to another, ive grown them using bcuzz nutes but im wanting to know if i can flower them using ionics nutes, this is because ive run out of bcuzz and the store is...
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    changing food

    Hi everyone. I'VE been using Bcuzz for my plants in the growth stage, and there almost ready to go into flowering, is it possible to change the food i use going into flowering from growth, any advice is gratefully recieved.