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  1. jstone

    What quantity do you get?

    Dont get me wrong, i prefer quality to, but more quality is always better :-) WOW bibBudeddie, how big do you let your plants grow to to get 100g per plant? JStone
  2. jstone

    What quantity do you get?

    Hi Monster I dont realy know the strain as they are bag seeds. I am thinking of trying Cronic some time as i have been told i will get lots from these plants. Wish i had room for your amount of plants monster :-( Thanks J Stone
  3. jstone

    What quantity do you get?

    I get around 40-50 grams of good bud per plant. Grown indoors with a 200 watt CFL light (and a few house hold bulbs) Plants get to around 2 foot tall (as i flower them early) Grown with Hydroponics using Advanced Nutrients Grow and Bloom. Air flow is reasonable Grown from bag seeds and...
  4. jstone

    What quantity do you get?

    Hi I think it would be cool to know how much bud people are getting from their plants and the basic conditions they are grown under. I have grown a few times but never feel that i am getting a good amount of bud per plant and would like to know how to get more. My plants look fine and the...
  5. jstone

    Suggestion on leaf droop & any other advice please

    Hi Guys 'n' Gals Any ideas or suggestions as to what is causing the bottom leaf droop OR the drying of the very tips of leaves further up the plant? This is my second grow and i got the same problem last grow too (althoug less this grow). Apart from this i think they are healthy and all...
  6. jstone

    Question about PreFlowering or When to Flower

    Thanks for the answer dude!! you were right, new leaves/nodes had been alternating for several weeks too. I have given them 12/12 now for 8 days and have now noticed small "flowers" at mainly the tips of most nodes. I have 3 plants in total and on all of them there is very clear "pistles"...
  7. jstone

    question about preflowering or when to flower

    Hello all I am after a bit of advice regarding when to start flowering / preflowers. This is my first grow. I have 3 plants, all grown from bag seeds (good stuff ;-) despite a few seeds). From what i read they all seam to be classic sativa plants (big leaves with over 10 fingers on many...
  8. jstone

    Question about PreFlowering or When to Flower

    Hello all I am after a bit of advice regarding when to start flowering / preflowers. This is my first grow. I have 3 plants, all grown from bag seeds (good stuff ;-) despite a few seeds). From what i read they all seam to be classic sativa plants (big leaves with over 10 fingers on many...