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  1. Frasuelo

    New set up preview offered for a meet and greet with the folx

    UPDATED Photos: let Me know what you think, last two are week 1 the rest week two
  2. Frasuelo

    Heat Shield [LOOK]

    how about just tying them down and keeping your light as is>?! a few feet of chord will be cheaper than any shield or grow-tech unit
  3. Frasuelo

    heat removal arguments

    they have a great contact insulation that blocks radiant energy i.e. heat or cool. LOWES or Home Depot, rolls out takes up very little space and isnt expensive well not lawyer expensive. Stay Down on This
  4. Frasuelo

    New set up preview offered for a meet and greet with the folx

    The newest BOBG set up new location, new configuration and new strains My dedicated flower-room is 14.5' x 9.5': Lighting veg @ 10 Flo Lghts 800 watts Lighting flower @ 6 HPS 6K watts Inline fan and canister filter 1 AC unit (window well masked) 2 supplemental AC inlets for additional...