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  1. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Ak(1) have balls, gonna use it to produce some seeds 15 "bud sites", Ak48 seems "topping friendly", too bad this one is a male:cuss:. Ak(2) is a girl:lol:, white hairs was spotted today. 12/12 from seed 24 days fruit autoflower showed sex 3 days ago They are looking good, short, but...
  2. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Ak48 Fruity auto Ak48
  3. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Update today´s pics Ak48 family pic Added 2x 25w CFL, so now we have 200w total, 6400k color temperature.
  4. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Forgot the new ones... They will be 12/12 also. Ak48 Fruity autoflower
  5. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Update Ak48 is looking very good I´ve cut out that big leaves, and will start flowering today.
  6. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Need help!!! wats that? light burn? or some deficiency?
  7. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    update Everything looks fine, AK48 had a nice size, so i took a clone from it. It has 4 side branches, that probably will turn into 4 main sterns:weed: foodcooker "looks like they are doin alright. Have you considered doing a scrog when they go into flower?" Probably im going to...
  8. 1megadeth

    48 hours of darkness--thoughts?

    UV turns THC in CBN, oxigen does it too, so as heat. Some info on CBN "CBN is also psychoactive, though much less so than THC The presence of CBN with THC seems to reduce the feelings of anxiety that some people feel with high levels of THC The presence of higher levels of CBN with THC can...
  9. 1megadeth

    New operation; questions included

    You have to let the plant "recover" for a while when u top it. when u top the main stern all the other side branches will get bigger, so it is a good thing to do. If u plan to flower it in a week just dont do it, it will need more than a week to get good results. For the humidity, u can put...
  10. 1megadeth

    Anyone know how often i feed seedlings rootit

    seeds have everything it needs to start growing, just water will do. The round "leaves" are the plant´s reservatory, they go yellow as the reservatory is over, anyway you can feed the plant, the round leaves will stay green. I´ve seen that in a hydroponic DWC system, plants that still have...
  11. 1megadeth

    Flowering Multiple strain 1000 watt medi-grow

    Nice grow dude, that void´s purple is beautiful. I like bushy plants, but that towers looks great, whats the size of that thing? About the Bubbleicious, what plant you think is going to have the best yeld? the tower or the topped one? and thanks for the tips, that styrofoam lid was a bad...
  12. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    New nutrient solution, new lid, new family members!!! Everything was cleaned, reservatory wasnt bad, but air tubes and the styrofoam lid was pretty dirty. Thanks for the tip foodcooker!!! Nutrient PH: 5.8 3 mins out of the water and the Ak was clearly affected. 2 hours later it was back up...
  13. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Thanks for the info. Replacing nutrient solution today. Styrofoam looks bad already, I have the original reservatory lid, just didn´t wanted to drill holes on it, gonna work on that as soon as possible. Timer is ready to go, submersible pump is now on the buying list. Thanks for the help...
  14. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    More info: DWC container: 24liter growing medium: coco fiber / expanded clay Light: 2 x CFL total: 146W - 24h ON air pump is ON 24h/day PH is arround 5.6 some pics Ak48 september 29 (24 days from seed) Beautiful, roots look good, nice side branches. question: How often do I have to replace...
  15. 1megadeth

    Nirvana´s Ak48 DWC, first grow, bad start w/ pics

    Hi, Thats my first grow, so all help is welcome. Im using a DWC system and CFL. I germinated 3 seeds, 2 x AK48 and a Fruity auto, all was going great, until the roots reached the nutrient solution (mix of bad "generic" multi purpouse nutrients). As they reached the solution roots became red...