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  1. davidmac6

    Help me out.

    ive had a few fail because of planting them too deep. an inch is probably a bit much!
  2. davidmac6

    two tails from the same seed?

    looking good! cant wait to see how they finish up! subbed
  3. davidmac6


    you should try use the pot lift test to check to see if they need watering or not. if the pot is very light to lift chances are it needs feeding. if its heavy then you probably dont. i am new to this but i found this method to be very helpful! hope this helps!
  4. davidmac6

    Health check up! Turned them into flower today.

    is it the light or do some of your leaves look a little yellow? if some are yellow then you might have an N defiency! how long were they in veg? there looking very nice tho!
  5. davidmac6

    so i was thinking of getting a place and was ? how much i could grow if i used 6000W

    were im from a 600 hps on 18/6 costs me about an extra 30 quid a month. thats not including fans and everything else though!
  6. davidmac6

    I'd love for someone to critique my sprouts! :)

    if it tells you to use 4m/l on the bottle then only use 1m/l to start with! and yip N means nitrogen.
  7. davidmac6

    HELP! Need to start flowering A.S.A.P. , is 32 days enough?

    plants can double (some can even triple) in height during flowering. so an 8" plant will probably be in the region of 16"-24" in height when finished.
  8. davidmac6

    I'd love for someone to critique my sprouts! :)

    your growing in soil so you should have enough nutes in the soil to last about 3 weeks! after that start with 1/4 strenght nutes and build it up over the weeks. also use a feed thats high in N during vegging. hope this helps :)
  9. davidmac6

    First grow journal

    Seed sacs on my WW :-( I dont think they are false either. They have a lovely yellow racing stripe from the back (fat end) to the front! Also there does not seem to be any new pistols forming in those areas which also leeds me to believe that they are not false. None on the main cola yet tho...
  10. davidmac6

    honestly how does this look for day 35 flower ?

    very very nice!!!
  11. davidmac6

    First grow, wouldn't mind a little feedback.

    As MojoRison said a closer picture would make it much easier to tell. Also, at 1 week of 12/12 it might be a little early to tell! From my experience (and truth be told im pretty much a noob) it takes a little closer to 2 weeks to see the earliest signs. So another week might tell you a lot...
  12. davidmac6

    there ordered man!

    there ordered man!
  13. davidmac6

    Hey peeps, Think i may need some help :(

    This thread has been continued here :)
  14. davidmac6

    First grow journal

    Ok so its been 18 days since my last update (camera broke and could not upload pics). My single WW is looking awesome, well in my eyes it is! lots of buds well formed all over the plant. The WW is exactly 4 weeks and 3 days into 12/12 cycle today. One question i have about it tho is about most...
  15. davidmac6

    Yet Another Noob's First Grow

    best of luck with your little project dude! i too am on my first grow. am now just entering 3rd week of 12/12 cycle. flowers are starting to form and in the last week or so the smell has probably doubled or even more in strenght. i had 2 WW growing but 1 turned out to be male so i had to get rid...
  16. davidmac6

    Hey peeps, Think i may need some help :(

    An update with a few pics. Starting into third week of flowering tomorrow..
  17. davidmac6

    First grow journal

    So my single female WW will finish its second week of 12/12 cycle tomorrow. Flowers are starting to come along nicely! Lots of white hairs starting to from as well :) Feeding for next week will be 5m/l BioBizz Bloom and 1/4 strength baby bio orchid. Also will give her a bit of seaweed and...
  18. davidmac6

    First grow journal

    ok so after getting some advice on live chat i think im going to lst my girl. im 10 days into 12/12 cycle. does anyone think this will help increase the yield? or does anyone else have any advice they would like to share?
  19. davidmac6

    Sent a pic of that to one of the lads. He told me it was male and to get rid of it straight away!

    Sent a pic of that to one of the lads. He told me it was male and to get rid of it straight away!
  20. davidmac6

    First grow journal

    So as it turns out plant B is a male. Gong to cut it soon before there is any chance of pollinating plant A. That is upsetting :(