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  1. J

    Need input about Herbie's Pick n Mix seeds

    Wish I could say the same about Growshop Alien. I have bought seeds from them for over 10 years. I do not get any freebies ever and now this is the second order where None of my seeds germinated when I usually have a 100 percent rate. This last order I bought 5 female diesel ryders and 10...
  2. J

    Attitude Seed Bank Compromized

    Wish I could say the same about Growshop Alien. I have bought seeds from them for over 10 years. I do not get any freebies ever and now this is the second order where None of my seeds germinated when I usually have a 100 percent rate. This last order I bought 5 female diesel ryders and 10...
  3. J

    3 weex sent money SEED BOUTIQUE says still no money received.

    Wish I could say the same about Growshop Alien. I have bought seeds from them for over 10 years. I do not get any freebies ever and now this is the second order where None of my seeds germinated when I usually have a 100 percent rate. This last order I bought 5 female diesel ryders and 10...
  4. J

    BEST SEED BANK to order from??

    Wish I could say the same about Growshop Alien. I have bought seeds from them for over 10 years. I do not get any freebies ever and now this is the second order where None of my seeds germinated when I usually have a 100 percent rate. This last order I bought 5 female diesel ryders and 10...
  5. J

    Which seed bank has the best stealth shipping

    Wish I could say the same about Growshop Alien. I have bought seeds from them for over 10 years. I do not get any freebies ever and now this is the second order where None of my seeds germinated when I usually have a 100 percent rate. This last order I bought 5 female diesel ryders and 10...
  6. J

    Growshop Alien and Sannies are top notch

    Wish I could say the same about Growshop Alien. I have bought seeds from them for over 10 years. I do not get any freebies ever and now this is the second order where None of my seeds germinated when I usually have a 100 percent rate. This last order I bought 5 female diesel ryders and 10...
  7. J

    600 HPS Super Lemon Haze grow

    I have here 4 plants in 7 gallon bags under a 600 hps cooltube. They have been topped and I started LSTing them. I started out with a ph/overwater problem. I have been using distilled water at 87 cents a gallon it is getting expensive. I have been looking into other ways. Has anyone used a...
  8. J

    Help, Plants struggling hard.. "pics"

    They are going strong now, Im thinking of starting a new thread. I was over watering them and the ph was off. Now I use RO water and less of it. They are all topped and will most likely overgrow my area. I will start low stress training today. Next grow I will top them twice for this small area...
  9. J

    Help, Plants struggling hard.. "pics"

    Here's a update on the pics, Wonder what strain it is ? I started with Super Lemon Haze, OG #18 and Tangerine Dream and one other I forget at the moment. I had 14 seeds this is what lasted. I have a feeling its 3 Super Lemon Haze and one OG because the super lemon seeds looked the nicest...
  10. J

    Help, Plants struggling hard.. "pics"

    I will get the ph level soon. I have fed them twice only. Every other week. tap water. I will check the ppm and the ph. Trying to find a good one to buy online right now. Lights are ten or so inches from the light but I am using a cool tube with good air flow and I dont think thats the problem...
  11. J

    Help, Plants struggling hard.. "pics"

    Strain is Super Lemon haze. Ocean forest soil. 600 hps, cool tube. 3 fans. One on plants one sucking fresh air in and smell out. One cooling the tube. They are about a month old from seed. The amount of water was about half a gallon because they were little plants in big pots.. Now its more...
  12. J

    Help, Plants struggling hard.. "pics"

    Thank you for the quick reply. My plants never looked so ugly. I also havent checked the PH level ever. I never had a problem with it in my area so never checked. I let them dry out good over the weekend and thats when they curled up. So then I thought it was maybe over heat and not enough...
  13. J

    Help, Plants struggling hard.. "pics"

    Here are the pictures of them. I have checked guides and thought it spider mites and I do recall seeing a white fly. I bought Insecticidal soap spread them twice now with it 7 days within each other. Now I feel it might nute burn or overwater. Most likely nute burn because when I touch the...
  14. J

    Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa with Pics Included. Please Help

    I think the train conductor took my plants. I went there today and they were gone.. I will be going in the deep woods next time... Easy sativa looked awsome with no help from me at all. Even though I didnt see a final product I could tell its a great strain. next time i think i will do outdoor...
  15. J

    Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa with Pics Included. Please Help

    VH13 u were right. I put them in 7-8 inches from each other in a 2 x 2 square foot hole with ocean forest mostly and the soil already there and they are doing fine. I know I shouldnt of put them side by side but my spot is one of those ""Im walking buy a giant plant but dont know it"" and had to...
  16. J

    Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa with Pics Included. Please Help

    Bulla from nyc, U see the weather coming up.. U know what Im talkin about with perfect for planting your little plants outside now with all this rain comin Chubby soap thanx for the positivity.. Revegging on its own outside? these have been outside
  17. J

    Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa with Pics Included. Please Help

    THanx for the other reply.. I have a bunch of grows on my belt but this was my first outdoor.. and second time topping. First time I had pictures next to me while i was snipping.. Ive learned everything I know from guides... shout out to "stitches sick guide"" google it... But Im a compete nube...
  18. J

    Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa with Pics Included. Please Help

    That really sucks... They looked very strong and healthy... I pinched the middle off but it looked all hard so I then cut that off... I attempted to top them because of security.. Thank you for the info for the future. So I shouldnt expect two more sets coming up then top those then have 8 hefty...
  19. J

    Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa..Pics Included..Help

    I topped first and looked two days later and and so no growth so being impatient I cut half the plant off and think I killed them.. Here is pics of the two girls. I am going on vaca saterday and want to plant them before I leave.. Please tell me if I should throw them out or plant them... I will...
  20. J

    Messed Up Topping Easy Sativa with Pics Included. Please Help

    This is my second time topping and I went without a guide and messed them up I thought.. Then I really messed them up and cut off the whole tops of the plants.. Here they are about three weeks old. I am going on vaca saterday and was going to plant them tonight or tomorrow before I leave...