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  1. dd420boo

    Any other Southerners?

    hey bob, I wanted to give you an update. I ordered 10 fem WW and 15 KM from Bcseedking. Took about 2 1/2 weeks, and they gave me 10 extras. Any luck with you on getting your hands on any?
  2. dd420boo

    yellow spots

    brog here is a link I use to help me figure out what problems im having with my grow hope this help bro
  3. dd420boo

    Any other Southerners?

    hey bob visit bcseedking. best place to obtain quality seeds
  4. dd420boo

    New to the grow

    thanks for the response gents. I think ill be good to start growing this weekend. Gonna start with the bag seeds like shredder suggested so i can get some xp. Ordered some WW and Kali Mist today...can't wait to start growing those.
  5. dd420boo

    potting soil mix help

    I am running 2 dual fluro light sets /w 32w T8 (6500k) bulbs and 4 23w CFL (5000k) bulbs in veg, and 2 dual fluro light sets /w 32w T8 (3000k) bulbs and 8 23w CFL (2700k) bulbs in flower
  6. dd420boo

    potting soil mix help

    hey ring I just edited my post, I wasn't finished typing before it sent
  7. dd420boo

    potting soil mix help

    today I purchased some potting soil at a local gardening center. it contains: double ground bark, compostost, perlite, peat moss, vermiculite, dolomitic lime and 1648 fertilizer. everyone I talk to out here claims this stuff to be the best soil to grow anything. so they say. my plan is to germ...
  8. dd420boo

    Help with grow closet

    thanks for advice hot shot. i dont have any other spare space to run a separated flower and veg room. so im going to have to do it all in same space. also bro with your lighting suggestion, since im using the one closet for both could i still use the CFLs or flors?
  9. dd420boo

    Help with grow closet

    i am new to growing and need some advice on my grow space. i have a spare 6x3 closet; from floor to ceiling is 8.75ft. been researching for the past month and want to grow 5 plants using 40-50w CFLs. my questions are: is this enough space for 5 plants to flower with good yeilds and another 5 to...
  10. dd420boo

    New to the grow

    i am brand new to the game. been researching for the past month and will start buying supplies this weekend. i want to start with some local bag weed seeds to see if i can make it happen before i spend the cash on some legit seeds. does anyone think i should just start off with the good stuff...