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  1. P

    First grow problems

    I'm using MG Organic for this bag seed test grow. I was thinking of using a seedling mix then transplanting to FF. Anyone have any advice on nute brands for feeding during the vegetative stage? Update: Day 20 still some yellowing but it does look better.Also is this normal?As always thanks for...
  2. P

    First grow problems

    I haven't started feeding soil states enough for "three weeks" didn't want to cause burn .
  3. P

    First grow problems

    Nothing definitive I have this post going on three sites. I've heard everything ph over/under watering any nute deficiency rh/temp fluctuations under lighting. Plenty of opinion but no consensus unfortunately.
  4. P

    First grow problems

    After day six it was knocked over so I transfered into a 9(width) x 7(hight) only thing that was available. I know it's too big. I was told that since it is so big I'd have to water fairly frequently, as the root system doesn't reach far down the pot. Yeah sorry about the lack of consistency...
  5. P

    First timer plant problem please help !!

    I could be wrong here as I am a complete noob. I thought until you started flowering you were supposed to use bulbs in the 5000 - 6500 kelvin range.
  6. P

    First grow problems

    Sorry they worked at first I contacted the admin. Never heard back so here they are again. Day 2 Day 9 Day 11 Day 13
  7. P

    Has anyone seen this?

    Well that makes sense it is mg organic choice
  8. P

    Has anyone seen this?

    I was more wondering how it got there... Indoor grow and whatnot...
  9. P

    Has anyone seen this?

    Here is a slightly better picture.
  10. P

    Has anyone seen this?

    I was just wondering if anyone knew what the little sprouting on the left is.
  11. P

    First grow problems

    Also there hasn't been any new growth since day 5 I think. Once again any help is appreciated and whatnot. The pictures in order 1: day 11 2: day 11 3: day 9 4: day 2
  12. P

    First grow problems

    Hello everyone, First time poster long time lurker. I recently started my first grow. Everything was going well the first few days. Now the stem/stalk has turned a purplish color and the leaves are browning at the edges. This might be an obvious problem to you experienced growers but alas I...