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  1. M

    Sun by day light by night

    Would it work to take plants outside during sunlight hours then bring them back in to under the lights at night???
  2. M

    Moving plants outside from inside

    Well I moved them from the pots to direct soil about lunch time today so they will get a few hours today of direct sun then the sun won't hit them til tomorrow because its shaded by a fence the sun will get it about 6-3 after 3 in the arvo it won't get any sun. Also I had 10 plants and a couple...
  3. M

    Moving plants outside from inside

    Well my plants have been growing inside for about a month now and been growing pretty good but I'm moving them outside to the nice Australian summer weather that's been getting alot of sun during the days and a good shower at night time for the last few weeks. Is there any tips or things I...
  4. M

    Plants dying?

    Plants about a month old and looks like they are growing alright so I transplanted them to bigger pots as roots was growing out of the bottom of the smaller pots and a few days later some of the leaves have started to turn brown and shrivel up on most of my plants the first leaves that sprouted...
  5. M

    Time to move plant???

    Just about a week ago I moved my 3 week old seedlings from there seedling treys into bigger pots and already about a week later the leaves are growing bigger and also some roots are coming out of the bottom of the pot plant is this time to move them to a bigger pot
  6. M

    Red stems on seedlings

    2 week old seedlings have red stems is this okay??? What caused this
  7. M

    Where to water plant

    Have 9 little seedlings about 2 inches tall with long thin stems and large leaves. Once I spray a bit of water on the leaves it seems to bend the leaves a bit so should I be watering the soil where the root comes up or just the leaves or the stem
  8. M

    Seedling question

    Well just 2 weeks since germination I had 8 out of 12 seeds pop up out of the ground. And I have the plans under a 36W long flouro tube and one of the plants was always taller then the rest and had bigger leaves but the last few days that plant hasn't grown at all and all the other plants are...
  9. M

    Taproot breaking soil and curving back in?

    Motherfuck yeah just realised 2 plants have sprouted and they have a stem and 2 heads so excited
  10. M

    Taproot breaking soil and curving back in?

    Sorry I don't have a camera but what happened is in my soil the taproot has just popped up above soil and it looks like its just curved back in so all you can see is a little white root barely above soil
  11. M

    Taproot breaking soil and curving back in?

    Well in the first week of growing after a few failed grows and I used half seeds on paper towel method and half direct soil germination and some of the ones on direct soil have taproots coming just out of the soil towards the light and curving back in??? Is this normal??? Also when they...
  12. M

    4th attempt after 3 unsuccessful

    Would a room with air conditioning ruin the seeds? And is a little squirt of the squirt bottle every 2 or 3 hours too much as the light is drying the plants out a bit ?
  13. M

    4th attempt after 3 unsuccessful

    Really I actually never thought about the light being a problem but yeah that could be a factor
  14. M

    4th attempt after 3 unsuccessful

    Well this is my 4th attemp of growing after 3 unsuccessful. Previously I germinated in cup of water for 2-3 days and think I had drowned the seeds as people on here told me and then put them in soil but didn't grow after germination although they had a taproot. Now I have 50 more seeds I...
  15. M

    What am I doing wrong.

    So just put seeds on a paper towel on a plate and pour water over them so the towel is wet? Do I have to keep putting water over the towel over the germination period or just leave it?
  16. M

    What am I doing wrong.

    Okay so I have tried growing 3 times now. Every time collect about 20-30 seeds I try to grow them. I start with germination in a cup of water and that usually works good. Most of the seeds germinate and have good taproots. From there I pick them up with tweezers and put them in a very small...
  17. M

    Green taproot in seeds

    I am germinating seeds and have one with a small green taproot coming out while all the others are white is this one okay??? What does it mean
  18. M

    Seed germination question

    Tap room is about 1cm long and I am transferring it to paper towel method it's only been in germination for about 24 hours now how much longer in the paper towel before I plant
  19. M

    Seed germination question

    I am currently germinating seeds in a cup of water and it hasn't even been 24 hours and one of the seeds has grown a taproot and completely shed its shell like there is just a white thing in the cup with a taproot at the bottom and the two half a of its shell floating is this still okay and...
  20. M

    Seeds not growing

    Seeds might have been buried in too deep so I have scraped the soil away to find my seed so nothing is on top of the seed and I'm just watering it like that just to see what happens I have a 20w cfl covering about 8 small pots in my metal tool box to help keep heat in. I bought a potting mix...